Bug - Fixed No more USE link on Desert Sightseeing Pamphlet

Hey, gang. I am using r14246 and the USE link is now missing after gaining them. They can be used normally from the inventory screen.
Hmm. You acquire that while in the middle of a choice adventure that you can't walk away from. Therefore, at the moment when you acquire it, the usable quantity is 0, since you cannot "use" an item while in the middle of a choice adventure.

I'll have to think about this.
Yeah, yeah. It recalculates the use links at the end of the choice chain - but, apparently,

		if ( ChoiceManager.handlingChoice && !ChoiceManager.canWalkAway() )
			UseItemRequest.limiter = "choice adventure in progress";
			return 0;
that code is still returning 0, even though the choice chain is done. As I said, I'll have to think about this.