Bug - Not A Bug New Zone detection does not set environment for underwater zones


Staff member
I did my adventuring today before KoLmafia knew about the new underwater zone. I kept getting errors when I tried to adventure there because my familiar could not breath. I traced this down to BBS being active and BBS was explicitly unequipping the bathysphere because it was checking my_location.environment against "underwater". Since this was an Override Zone and adventuring was fine without a familiar my hypothesis is that the override data did not return "underwater" for the environment.
In KoLAdventure.setLastAdventure( String adventureId, final String adventureName, String adventureURL, final String container ):

			RequestLogger.printLine( "Adding new location: " + adventureName + " - " + adventureURL );

			// We could use "container" to pick the zone the adventure goes in

			// Detach strings from the responseText
			adventure = new KoLAdventure( "Override", new String( adventurePage ), new String( adventureId ), new String( adventureName ) );
			AdventureDatabase.addAdventure( adventure );
How can it know that the zone is underwater?
Yeah, I can't think of any way of automatically detecting that. If someone does think of a way, that could be a good Feature Request,
In the meantime it's also probably a good script feature to avoid doing anything location-sensitive in Zone: Override.

EDIT: BBB and MM should now both not mess anything up in an Override location.
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