Feature - Implemented New Zone - A Barroom Brawl


Active member
This zone has several new mobs and items. Here's what I've found so far. I've probably missed a few that I killed earlier, but...
Bad monster value: "skeleton with a mop"
Unknown item found: beer-soaked mop (4737, 786523749)
4737 beer-soaked mop weapon all 0
4737 786523749 beer-soaked mop
beer-soaked mop 30 Mus: 0 2-handed polearm
beer-soaked mop Sleaze Damage: +3
Bad monster value: "drunken 7-foot dwarf"
Bad monster value: "plastered frat orc"
Bad monster value: "unemployed knob goblin"
Bad monster value: "werecougar"

Oh yes, and the snarfblat is 233.

New familiar in the new tavern cellar.
Encounter: 1984 Had Nothing on This Cellar
Unknown item found: smiling rat (4741, 195175539)
4741 smiling rat grow all 100
4741 195175539 smiling rat
# smiling rat

There's also a new storekeeper, Bart Ender. He sells the following:
Unknown item found: day-old beer (4738, 639182238)
4738 day-old beer drink all 5
4738 639182238 day-old beer
# day-old beer
Unknown item found: plain old beer (4739, 358862487)
4739 plain old beer drink all 10
4739 358862487 plain old beer
# plain old beer
Unknown item found: overpriced "imported" beer (4740, 267599163)
4740 overpriced "imported" beer drink all 25
4740 267599163 overpriced "imported" beer
# overpriced "imported" beer
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Staff member
Playing pool:


Visiting the suspicious looking guy:



Staff member
The built-in Tavern Quest script no longer works, either. Since you can no longer visit random squares, but have to visit ones that are adjacent to ones you've already visited, I don't think there's any better way to get to the new faucet than by going left along the top edge, down along the left side, and then right along the bottom edge, until you find and close the faucet.

Other than that, and, perhaps, adding a command to play pool with the three opponents (who cares?), I think we support the new Tavern well enough now.


The built-in Tavern Quest script no longer works, either. Since you can no longer visit random squares, but have to visit ones that are adjacent to ones you've already visited, I don't think there's any better way to get to the new faucet than by going left along the top edge, down along the left side, and then right along the bottom edge, until you find and close the faucet.

No way, clockwise is far superior! (I'm just kidding; info thus far suggests both are equal. If anything, I like saying "anti-clockwise." Almost as much as "widdershins.")

Other than that, and, perhaps, adding a command to play pool with the three opponents (who cares?), I think we support the new Tavern well enough now.

Meh, unless something new is revealed with the pool situation, I don't see any reason for it; if someone is absolutely desperate to bot their pool playing, they can visit_url();.

Same for Tavern automation, really; just visit each of "whichchoice" in [5,4,3,2,1,6,11,16,21,22,23,24,25] with some logic to stop whenever (& retry when fights are lost, blah blah). Not that hard, and not worth making anything built-in for, imo, if you're dying to script it.


The built-in Tavern Quest script no longer works, either. Since you can no longer visit random squares, but have to visit ones that are adjacent to ones you've already visited, I don't think there's any better way to get to the new faucet than by going left along the top edge, down along the left side, and then right along the bottom edge, until you find and close the faucet.

Jick said he changed this and suggested the spades revisit their work.

Now, this can happen: http://home.avvanta.com/~aargh/spoonTavern.gif


Staff member
Well, in that case, it could just as well continue visiting random squares - with the wrinkle that they must be accessible to squares already visited.

I'm going to mark this one fixed and start a new big report to deal with the rat quest issue, since there is a lot of code left there that needs to be looked at, eventually.