New Theme and Bug Report forum

OK not sure where to put this, but here seems the best, but i can't seem to download Anything from here, that includes scripts ZIP files and other things. I am using Firefox:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 YFF35 Firefox/3.6.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

On a Windows Vista
Icon; does everything work fine on other sites? Just here? Do you double-check to make sure you'd been logged in while you tried?
I am constantly logged in, so that isn't it. can you give something from somewhere else to download?

EDIT: Ok i tried downloading somewhere else and ti still failed, crap, i don't know what the problem is though
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EDIT: Ok i tried downloading somewhere else and ti still failed, crap, i don't know what the problem is though

Maybe I'm being a little bit opportunistic, but you could try installing the Opera Browser and seeing if you still have a problem downloading with that browser. :D

If it succeeds, then the problem is with your Firefox settings.
i have that, man why have i not thought of that

EDIT:Ok it was Firefox, i guess i have to use Opera for all my downloading needs
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