New Content - Implemented New Stuff this past Halloween


9151	invisible seam ripper	539870712	blank.gif	usable	q	0
Item	invisible seam ripper	Lasts Until Rollover, Effect: "Invisibly Ripped", Effect Duration: 5
2142	Invisibly Ripped	blank.gif	ac973ec446768bfc63bbbcdc99f6ace3	use 1 invisible seam ripper
# Effect Invisibly Ripped
2159	Aerated	aerhead.gif	74a24a6aa0c773dd08aebe4aa749b8bc
Effect	Aerated	Maximum HP Percent: +20
You acquire an effect: Aerated (20)
2160	Wrought Nerves	wrotz.gif	69bde4e383b663a0cb5f900d530027a0
Effect	Wrought Nerves	Maximum MP Percent: +20

Hopefully we'll get the new candies marked public soon, but mostly I wanted to point out the seam ripper.
Candies are public now:

8561	Wrotz	259155467	wrotz.gif	usable	t	0
Item	Wrotz	Effect: "Wrought Nerves", Effect Duration: 20
8560	Aerheads	911385583	aerhead.gif	usable	t	0
Item	Aerheads	Effect: "Aerated", Effect Duration: 20
Yes. I got it by trick or treating with the invisible ties effect. I'd say that counts.

(I'm not sure what event during trick or treating specifically caused it.)
What outfit were you wearing? What was the tot wearing? Was she with you? What were all the adventures that occurred when you had Invisible Ties active?

No one else seems to have found the invisible seam ripper, so your logs may have something valuable.

Also, if you have the Invisibly Ripped effect, you may want to extend it/not lose it, and spade for the third step in this puzzle.
No one else seems to have found the invisible seam ripper, so your logs may have something valuable.

Wait, really? Just me?! I saw it mentioned in the GD thread and assumed someone else saw it.

I got an invisible thread the day before and used it just before rollover. (I did not actually get an invisible thread on Halloween day.) Then on Halloween, before adventuring I extended its duration with my Yendorian Express Card to 10 turns. I exclusively used my tot with the ninja outfit. (Except for the free fight against a Ninja Snowman Weaponmaster where I was equipped with the candy corn.) My treat outfit looks like this:

Hat: eldritch hat
Weapon: Spelunker's whip
Off-hand: A Light that Never Goes Out
Shirt: flaming pink shirt
Pants: eldritch pants
Back: protonic accelerator pack

Acc. 1: gold detective badge
Acc. 2: Mr. Accessory Jr. (2)
Acc. 3: Mr. Accessory Jr. (2)

My trick outfit changed a few times. It was either the wrought iron or aero outfits. Here's an example:

Hat: wrought-iron wig
Weapon: wrought-iron whisk
Off-hand: aerogel attache case
Shirt: flaming pink shirt
Pants: wrought-iron waders
Back: protonic accelerator pack

Acc. 1: wrought-iron walker
Acc. 2: wrought-iron widget
Acc. 3: wrought-iron winch crank

Fought a few fights manually. After that I spent a lot of turns doing automatic trick or treating with tricktreat script and swapped outfits in between runs. There was no message about me gaining the seam ripper. When I ran OCD Inventory it refreshed my inventory and mafia gave me the announcement about having a seam ripper in my inventory and I was all, "WTF!" I was really, really distracted that day. If I'd had more time I might have done things differently.

Here's all Encounters I had before those 10 turns of effect ran out:
use 1 Platinum Yendorian Express Card
You gain 338 Mana Points
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (5)
You acquire an effect: Ghostly Shell (5)
You acquire an effect: Reptilian Fortitude (5)
You acquire an effect: Empathy (5)
You acquire an effect: Tenacity of the Snapper (5)
You acquire an effect: Astral Shell (5)
You acquire an effect: Elemental Saucesphere (5)
You acquire an effect: Polka of Plenty (5)
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (5)
You acquire an effect: Got Milk (5)
You acquire an effect: Jingle Jangle Jingle (5)
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (5)
You acquire an effect: Disco Leer (5)
You acquire an effect: Soulerskates (5)
You acquire an effect: Merry Smithsness (5)
You acquire an effect: The Rich Get Richer (5)
You acquire an effect: Blue Eyed Devil (5)
You acquire an effect: Warlock, Warstock, and Warbarrel (5)
You acquire an effect: Octolus Gift (5)
You acquire an effect: Kicked in the Sinuses (5)
You acquire an effect: items.enh (5)
You acquire an effect: familiar.enq (5)
You acquire an effect: Invisible Ties (5)
You acquire an effect: Open Heart Surgery (5)

[1047] Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
Encounter: Aubra
(She was a time prank I encountered. Probably not relevant, but who knows?)

[1047] Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
Encounter: Ninja Snowman Weaponmaster

equip familiar li'l ninja costume
custom outfit trick

outfit Wrought Wrappings

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Durf Hall, Neighborhood Cop

Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire Wrotz (2)
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire an item: Prunets
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire an item: Prunets
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire an item: Prunets
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire Swizzler (2)
outfit Aeroutfit

send a kmail to guyy

custom outfit trick
custom outfit treat
> Wearing trick outfit for combats, and treat for noncombats.

> Trick-or-treating on block 1 of 2.
Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit trick

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Unscrupulous Todd Isaacson

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Lying Todd, the Trespasser

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Derp Hall, Neighborhood Cop

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: kid who is too old to be Trick-or-Treating

Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit treat

Took choice 804/3: A House
Aerheads is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not
You acquire Aerheads (2)
> Looted 2 Aerheads from house #6.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire Aerheads (2)
> Looted 2 Aerheads from house #7.
> Trick-or-treating on block 2 of 2.
Took choice 804/1: Scope out a new block (5 Adventures)
Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit trick

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Derp Stark, Neighborhood Cop

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Georgie Huxtable, the Miscreant

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: kid who is too old to be Trick-or-Treating

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: kid who is too old to be Trick-or-Treating

Took choice 804/3: A House
Encounter: Todd Flart, Neighborhood Cop

Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit treat
> Wearing trick outfit for combats, and treat for noncombats.

> Trick-or-treating on block 1 of 5.
Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit trick

Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit treat

Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire Aerheads (2)
> Looted 2 Aerheads from house #1.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire Milk Studs (2)
> Looted 2 Milk Studs from house #2.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire box of Dweebs (2)
> Looted 2 box of Dweebs from house #5.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire Aerheads (2)
> Looted 2 Aerheads from house #6.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire an item: Prunets
> Looted Prunets from house #7.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire PEEZ dispenser (2)
> Looted 2 PEEZ dispenser from house #9.
Took choice 804/3: A House
You acquire an item: Prunets
> Looted Prunets from house #12.
> Trick-or-treating on block 2 of 5.
Took choice 804/1: Scope out a new block (5 Adventures)
Took choice 804/2: Stop Trick-or-Treating
custom outfit trick

Also, if you have the Invisibly Ripped effect, you may want to extend it/not lose it, and spade for the third step in this puzzle.

Sorry. I was an idiot.
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Wait, really? Just me?! I saw it mentioned in the GD thread and assumed someone else saw it.

Here's all Encounters I had before those 10 turns of effect ran out:
[1047] Lair of the Ninja Snowmen
Encounter: Ninja Snowman Weaponmaster
This encounter drops it. I now have an invisible seam ripper in my inventory.
The reward:
9152	l'il ghost costume	878683491	blank.gif	familiar	d	11
Item	l'il ghost costume	Initiative: +100
I wonder if the l'il is an in-game typo. The others are li'l.
Hmm, it's a bit sad the invisible thread drops so unreliably, or that could actually be fun to grab in hardcore with the right quest ordering. O well, my oily woim will have to do.
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2159	Aerated	aerhead.gif	74a24a6aa0c773dd08aebe4aa749b8bc
Effect	Aerated	Maximum HP Percent: +20
2160	Wrought Nerves	wrotz.gif	69bde4e383b663a0cb5f900d530027a0
Effect	Wrought Nerves	Maximum MP Percent: +20

These effects directly scale with duration, apparently to 500.