New Content - Implemented New section after Level 6 quest

I had gotten two bears, but only after I used the first one out of sheer curiosity. The session logs would list the non-combats and whether you used an item other than giving it away. If I had something more definitive I could change it now, but I just blew through the puzzle myself. I went for a complete grid before I tried solving.
I had gotten two bears, but only after I used the first one out of sheer curiosity. The session logs would list the non-combats and whether you used an item other than giving it away. If I had something more definitive I could change it now, but I just blew through the puzzle myself. I went for a complete grid before I tried solving.

You appear to be correct. I seem to have given my marshmallow away in the middle and then 2 NCs later I got the second one. So I got 5 items, used 1, got the 6th one and then the 2nd one again. (Teddy - Marshmellow - Blotter paper - Sponge-cake - booze-soaked - gave away item - comfy pillow - mashmellow)
So, what it still needs is proper item removal on choices (not choiceadventures, since they're all pandamonium.php, not choice.php adventures). If it properly detects the consumption of the band gifts and comedy items (at least on the observational glasses... didn't try the other two, but figure they're the same), the massive amounts of refresh_inv needed to run currently can be eliminated and we're that much closer to being done. Not certain though what would need to happen to properly make a new consequence catcher.
Latest version of the script took 8 adventures to get the unicorn, so I'd take that as fairly efficient. :)
Revision 8943 adds the adventure zones and items and logs visiting the NPCs and doing things with them.
It does not yet handle item loss from giving items to band members or trying forms of comedy on Mourn.
Is there a reason the new locations were added using their zones vs the actual adventure location names? IE: The Laugh Floor adventure location is in the Belilafs Comedy Club sub-zone. This doesn't seem proper, imho.
Yes. Read about it on the revision where I submitted them.
My "humble opinion" trumps your "humble opinion".

Revision 8946 completes support for Pandamonium by tracking item loss when visiting NPCs under the appropriate conditions.
Excellent! Now I can scrap my refresh invs that go all over the place, and the script can be clean! Clean! <cackles>

Edit: One minor inconsistency between KoL and mafia datafiles still... the pr imp is (unlike the other imps) "Pr Imp" instead of having both first letters capitalized. My session logs and memory both support this, as does that inconsistent item of horror, the wiki. Not sure if we want to do it as it may someday be, or do it as it currently is.
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I totally forgot to scan the latest SVN changes for related threads. Many apologies. Sorry about those opinion differences.

What I still see is a need for some way to access the doormen via CLI or ASH commands without using visit_url(). (Did I miss it somewhere?)

Mostly, I'm just sad I can't just type "Friar" into the box and see all the related zones anymore.
Now you type "Panda" into the box to see the zones.


I could envision a "panda" command:

panda moan -> go to Moaning Panda Square
panda comedy insult
panda comedy observational
panda comedy prop
panda arena give NAME ITEM
panda temple

All of those would require the PandamoniumRequest to be fleshed out and finished.

I don't have time. What we have is good enough for the upcoming release spin.
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