New Content - Implemented New Hangk's and Closet Interface

you have to submit transfers to or from the closet via GET.
Oh ok. I thought GET was the default and POST was the special case when using visit_url()... I had it backwards. If I had been a little more clever, I could have saved you some time instead of posting an unclear edit to a confusing post.

Thank you very much for the overhaul!
I cannot afford to spend any more time on this for the duration of this vacation/visit.
You certainly could have waited until you had time ahead of you, the moaning and grumbling hadn't even started!
Thank you. Everything I tried did not work.

As of r9247 moving meat to and from the closet does not seem to work and mafia did not report any items in Hagnk's for a character still in ronin. My efforts to solve the former have so far been fruitless and distracted me from looking at the latter.
In revision 9249, you can transfer meat to and from the closet.

TBD later: It should use Ajax. And it should update the session tally, as it used to.
So, is Hangk's working yet? I'm waiting on this to get fixed, if it hasn't been fixed already, before I ascend again.

Not yet. I haven't had time and skill to get it right, veracity has Real Life and won't get back to it until at least April 26 and no one else is working on it that I am aware of. Maybe you do a two day casual run while waiting? ;-)
You can use the chat command "/pull" then you just need to do "refresh inv" in the cli before you can use it from mafia. You have to know what you're pulling though, because you can't browse unless you use the relay browser.
I'll make it so you can browse storage tomorrow when I ascend into Hardcore and can look at my storage.
I will not be able to test pulling until I free the King, though.
Are you going into Bad Moon? If not you could still pull a free pull item like rolls of toilet paper.
That will be indicative, but not definitive.

Used to be, Free Pulls and regular storage were two separate lists with distinct ways of pulling. Chances are, they still are. I wonder if there are three pages of Storage AND three pages of Free Pulls?

In any case, I will study what the Storage page tells me and will implement whatever I can figure out to support whatever I can see there.
It is possible that the commands for pulling are different, but there is at least no longer a list of items to pull from when it comes to the free items. They are mixed in among all the other items (confused the hell out of me when I was trying to find my VIP-key at first)
(confused the hell out of me when I was trying to find my VIP-key at first)

This happened to me earlier today! It was quite a puzzlement for a few seconds.

Incidentally you can separate the free pulls from the other items in Hangks by changing the drop-down filter at the top to show only free pulls. That made it a lot easier to find my key.
This happened to me earlier today! It was quite a puzzlement for a few seconds.

Incidentally you can separate the free pulls from the other items in Hangks by changing the drop-down filter at the top to show only free pulls. That made it a lot easier to find my key.

Drop-down filter? I seem to have missed a setting somewhere then even though I did look for new options in the account menu...
Drop-down filter? I seem to have missed a setting somewhere then even though I did look for new options in the account menu...

KoL relay browser -> Options -> Inventory -> "Turn On Advanced Filtering and Sorting" (at bottom of "inventory options")

Nice stuff.
Oh ok. I thought GET was the default and POST was the special case when using visit_url()... I had it backwards. If I had been a little more clever, I could have saved you some time instead of posting an unclear edit to a confusing post.
Ha. Yes, I see that your post would have told me that I needed a GET. Except, no offense intended, I did not look at your post. Normally, that kind of new feature spading is helpful, but in this particular case, I was going to have to re-write the closet parsing anyway (instead of figuring out which items are there from looking at a drop down, we have to parse HTML tables), so I went straight to the KoL HTML page myself and figured it all out directly.

I have asked CDM to give us a "closet" and "inventory" action to api.php, just like we have "inventory", which will just give item number:quantity pairs for everything that is in the respective location, allowing us to go back to a single server hit - and much simpler parsing - for each location, just as we have for the 3 inventory pages. We'll see.
Revision 9252 connects to the new storage page. In KoL, free pulls are mixed in with everything else. In KoLmafia, I split them out into the "free pulls" list, just as before, even though the request to pull them looks the same as for any other item.

I did not test pulling non-free-pull items or meat, since I am in hardcore.
I did not test detection of how many pulls you have remaining today, since I am in hardcore. Chances are, I will never be able to see that until I finish my HC skill perming runs (which have slowed way down, due to lots and lots of time in aftercore, due to real life) and decide to finish up the softcore tattoos. Also, chances are, I have it wrong. Question for those who can check: does it tell you on every page that lists storage? How about on pages in which you pull an item via ajax, which does not list any storage, but simply "item xxx moved from storage to inventory"? (I bet that "/pull xxx" uses ajax...)
I am sure you could have recognized my typo as such, rather than asking whether I meant "something which made no sense" vs. "something which made sense".
I was mostly wondering if the request to devs was worded the same way. I'd assume if so that they'd figure it out, but...

I'm sitting next to my first caffeine of the day and it's not hitting my brain as fast as I'd like. It really did initially confuse me when I saw inventory both left and right until I thought... Hagnk. Right.

Didn't mean to disrupt, just thought if it was worded the same to the KoL request, it might be taken that the request is for closet and inventory both to exist in a manner similar to inventory, and storage not be thought of in the same mindset.

As I'm thinking about things (barely) it occurs to me... did the display case commands change at all with these modifications, or do they still work the same? I don't have any cases, so I can't verify myself. :( Is there an API call for display case contents? Should there be?
did the display case commands change at all with these modifications, or do they still work the same? I don't have any cases, so I can't verify myself. :( Is there an API call for display case contents? Should there be?

I've seen no evidence that the DC related functionality has changed. To be precise, everything I do with the DC has worked consistently since before the KoL storage revamp.

Who are you asking about an API call? Might I suggest you savor that coffee, browse the wiki and tell us if there is anything you think is missing?