Bug - Fixed New error in eXtreme Slope

After the fix in 13661, I am unable to automate the eXtreme Slope. It hangs on validating adventure, and when I stop it I get this error:

[182195] The eXtreme Slope
Encounter: Generic Teen Comedy Snowboarding Adventure
You acquire an item: snowboarder pants
Validating adventure sequence...

KoLmafia declares world peace.

Request 1 of 153 (McLarge: The eXtreme Slope) in progress...

[182196] The eXtreme Slope
Encounter: eXtreme cross-country hippy
Round 2: Nikadaemus_TBO wins the fight!
You acquire an item: Mountain Stream soda
You gain 2 Beefiness

[182197] The eXtreme Slope
council.php: redirected to a fight page.
Encounter: sk8 gnome
Round 2: Nikadaemus_TBO wins the fight!
You gain 231 Meat
You acquire an item: eXtreme mittens
You acquire an item: gr8ps
You acquire an item: Mountain Stream soda
You acquire an item: t8r tots
You acquire an item: upsy daisy
You gain 1 Enchantedness

[182198] The eXtreme Slope
Encounter: eXtreme cross-country hippy
Round 2: Nikadaemus_TBO wins the fight!
You acquire an item: Mountain Stream soda
You gain 2 Smarm\

I was able to adventure manually, though. Attached is the debug log, like a good little poster. ;)
13662, and this time I actually automated a turn to make sure it should work.

What happened to the CLI output saying a debug log was printed?
It normally states "Unexpected error encountered. Debug log generated" in the CLI but your copy-paste above is missing this phrase.
I don't think it showed up because I had to abort. I will attach the session log and you can see the craziness it went through.