New Content - Implemented New Boris/Pete monsters


Active member
Not sure what else I'll see today, but I'll start the list of monster names...

Bad monster value: "soused stuffing golem"
Round 1: Theraze tries to steal an item!
Unknown item found: breaded beer (5026, 710352481)
5026 breaded beer drink all 300
5026 710352481 breaded beer
# breaded beer

Bad monster value: "plastered can of cranberry sauce"
Round 1: Theraze tries to steal an item!
Unknown item found: cranberry schnapps (5025, 332608358)
5025 cranberry schnapps drink all 250
5025 332608358 cranberry schnapps
# cranberry schnapps

Encounter: Inebriated Tofurkey
Round 1: Theraze tries to steal an item!
Unknown item found: soy cordial (5027, 550290007)
5027 soy cordial drink all 350
5027 550290007 soy cordial
# soy cordial

Encounter: Hammered Yam Golem
Round 1: Theraze tries to steal an item!
Unknown item found: marshmallow flambé (5024, 918819972)
5024 marshmallow flambé drink all 200
5024 918819972 marshmallow flambé
# marshmallow flambé

Edit: Looks like those 4 are it, and those are their items. Probably get the same scaling stats as the FoB monsters, since I can kill them at MCD 0 without a problem (though they hit me occasionally) but at MCD 11 they do bad things when autoadventuring.
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I hate to douse cold water, but seeing a dozen posts with different monsters and items in each will drive anyone bonkers. Save that sort of stuff for the main forums. and the wiki.

Rather than annoy Veracity, please save up your data until you can post a reasonably complete list.

Edit: I see that Theraze's post above has been edited with additional information rather than his making additional posts which is definitely better than I imagined, but still it's better to post when you can post the whole thing.
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Staff member
Thanks, Bale.

I am going to bed, now. I will not even look at this new content - in game, on the forums, or on the Wiki - until tomorrow afternoon, at which point it should all be spaded.

I will then consider making a single commit to add the new monsters and items and such.


Active member
If you need anything else from me, let me know. I have the 4 items scattered through characters, so if there's an api call that needs to be made to get different information, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to assume that on the actual booze values, we'll wait for people on the wiki/KoLspading to get accurate information.


Staff member
I got all the info from my own multi and will submit it very soon.

The inebriety data on the Wiki is as inaccurate as you'd expect, given the very small sample size they've undoubtedly had so far. I'll probably just submit it anyway, and correct it later, if more accurate data comes out later. Considering that this is probably a one-time holiday (well, with 96 days in the KoL year, there is a 1/96 chance each year that Feat of Boris will fall on St. Patrick's day, and a 1/96 chance that St. Sneaky Pete's Day will fall on Thanksgiving; there will certainly be future congruences, but will KoL still exist as a game at the time?), the booze drops are a limited nonrenewable resource, and we'll see just how much spading people do.