Nemesis quest script

I'll try to keep that in mind the next time I get to the Nemesis and my farming multi has been running around under-water :)
It's a bad outfit checkpoint for a different character caused by the script not wiping prior checkpoints. You have a different character who has GAP and other such things.
Outfit checkpoints should be cleared when you log in a new character since, as you say, they are character specific. If this is not the case, file a bug report.

Edit: Never mind. Revision 9264.
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This one took a little while to figure out, but apparently the return value of equip() can't always be trusted:
> ash equip( $item[ perforated battle paddle ] )

Wielding perforated battle paddle...
Equipment changed.
Returned: false
I wonder if that's new or not. Should it get a bug report?

In any case, v1.1 should avoid the issue.

EDIT: it looks like restore_mp() also began to return false:
> ash my_mp()

Returned: 615

> ash restore_mp( 10 )

Returned: false
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The script seems broken for AT nemesis runs - it's not keeping track of the pathways through the barracks (keeps retrying the same path), although this seems to be a mafia bug. I recently tested it on a couple of different runs, latest build 9372. Rest works fine as far as I can tell! :)
Did you run with a high verbosity? If not, trying doing "zlib verbosity = 10" and run it again.
Also, do you have some gCLI output?
Did you run with a high verbosity? If not, trying doing "zlib verbosity = 10" and run it again.
Also, do you have some gCLI output?

I have a log of the last time I ran nemesis with the script (yesterday - previous was the last run, so last week, but different mafia version), and I think I'm logging nearly everything. I did not run it with verbosity changed from the default - but I shall try that. Attached is said log. (Sidenote: a guildmate also had it fail on an AT run a little while back, which is why I didn't do stuff like clear my mafia folder/run it with all my settings cleared etc.)

The script works fine, until the island navigation, and then it looks like a it repeatedly does the same few choices:
Encounter: The Island Barracks
Encounter: A Short Hallway

repeated over and over for quite a few adventures. I gave it about 100 turns this time (ran out of adventures, so adv 915 to about 1018, - before adventure 915 in the included log I was adventuring manually, and I missed a key and didn't know where I had missed it so I decided to run nemesis.ash, which failed, heh). I say "gave it 100 adventures" but it was more like "it ran through the rest of my adventures very fast so I didn't have a chance to stop it in time, heh." On _this_ run I had 4/5 keys that I had done manually, but on my last run I had 0/5 keys done, so I don't think previous adventuring in the barracks matters.

Did mafia track the barracks results in the relay browser? (That is, mark which ones you've visited if manually adventuring through the relay?) I don't remember if it did or not for certain, but I have a feeling that it might have - if it used to, it's not doing so currently. If it never did, I'm imagining things :)

Let me know if there's any other info needed (zlib is latest*, default settings for it, nemesis.ash that I'm running is 1.1, from the OP). Thanks for the quick response, slyz. The script was fantastic in the past (but the last AT nemesis I ran it on was before last Crimbo) and works fine for all other classes.

*Actually, I just realized that it's NOT the latest. I was running 0.25, not 0.27.

edit: Updated to zlib 0.27, set verbosity to 10, ran a few turns today - they're uploaded as 20110531. Oh, custom combat is empty (just set to attack, with the 5/31 log, previously it was pickpocket/noodles/raindrop/shieldbutt on the 5/30 log - zlib 0.27 (but not 0.25) yelled that my combat script was set to run away with the pickpocket/noodles/raindrop/shieldbutt (it's not set to runaway anywhere)). I don't run any in between combat scripts etc.)
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For some reason, the script thinks that it has already obtained 4 keys from the barracks, so it simply exits from the adventure. Did you change the Mafia "nemesis_AT_noncombat_keys" preference by any chance?

Simply type "set nemesis_AT_noncombat_keys = 3" in the gCLI the get the script to explore until it finds the last key.

I thought leaving the Barracks didn't consume an adventure, was that changed? The script should probably continue to visit, instead of exiting and loosing an adventure for nothing.
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That part is correct - it does have 4 keys (I got 4 manually before trying nemesis.ash), but it did the same thing last run, where I had not obtained any manually (it never tried adventuring, just wandered the hallways a lot). I guess I need to run it again on a new AT run (which will be in three days or so, so I can test it then - I currently have all 5/5 keys from stumbling on the last one while testing the barracks manually).

And yep, leaving the barracks seems to consume an adventure - I don't remember whether it used to or not, but definitely does now (checked with a manual adventure just now).
That part is correct
No, you got one of the keys from a straight combat.

You can only get 4 keys from the Barracks. The fifth has to be pickpocketed from a Mariachi combat (not a Mariachi found in the Barracks adventure). Once the script has found 4 keys in the Barracks noncombat, either in rooms or combats, it simply leaves the adventure and keeps adventuring in the island until it manages to pickpocket the fifth key.

EDIT: I understand now. I had changed the name of the "nemesis_AT_noncombat_keys" setting, but had forgotten to change the name in the function that resets all those settings.

Thanks for reporting that bug, v1.2 fixes that, for your next run. People will have to manually do "set nemesis_AT_noncombat_keys = 0" when they reach the island, if they have the same problem.
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No, you got one of the keys from a straight combat..
Right, I meant 'correct' as in "that's the right number of keys that it should think I have." I understand what you mean, and yep one was pickpocketted. I don't think this is the issue however with the script not finding its way around the hallways. Let me see if I can dig up the last AT run I did.

edit: Ok attached is the AT nemesis script run from scratch, on my last run. Once it enters the barracks, it was about 85 adventures spent there (until I was out, and the keys were not found). It would be helpful if mafia counts the runaways as adventures lost, I guess (must be new?) since I don't know exactly how many adventures were in the barracks from the log. Hope that helps, and thanks for replying :)

edit2: Not sure if the noncombat keys is the same as above; might be! In either case, thanks for the quick fix :D I'll run 1.2 next AT run and report back. +1 cookie for slyz


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I'm posting here since I'm not confident of reporting a bug.

At the moment, I cannot get either Mafia OR nemesis.ash to solve the paper strips. If "nemesis password" in gCLI, I get "Unexpected error, debug log printed." (which I won't post right now). Running nemesis.ash, I get:
Nemesis Cave already unlocked
opening Nemesis Cave doors...
Nemesis Cave doors opened
a creased paper strip = dangly:GORT:funny
a crinkled paper strip = wibbly:BAR:fuzzy
a crumpled paper strip = curved:PLIB:rough
a folded paper strip = funny:FNORD:careful
a ragged paper strip = zig-zaggy:PLONK:sinusoidal
a ripped paper strip = sinusoidal:CTHON:curved
a rumpled paper strip = dangly:GORT:funny
a torn paper strip = wibbly:BAR:fuzzy
a creased paper strip = dangly:GORT:funny
a crinkled paper strip = wibbly:BAR:fuzzy
a crumpled paper strip = curved:PLIB:rough
a folded paper strip = funny:FNORD:careful
a ragged paper strip = zig-zaggy:PLONK:sinusoidal
a ripped paper strip = sinusoidal:CTHON:curved
a rumpled paper strip = dangly:GORT:funny
a torn paper strip = wibbly:BAR:fuzzy
The following password did no work in the Nemesis Cave: BARBARBARBARBARBARBARBAR
Problem occured while doing the Nemesis Cave, exiting...
Restoring initial settings...

Running "nemesis script" gives similar sequence, which clearly has some repeated bookends (e.g., a rumpled paper strip = dangly:GORT:funny, a creased paper strip = dangly:GORT:funny).

It seems that something may be awry with the intrinsic "nemesis" function, but I'd like confirmation from someone else before writing up a bug report.

Oh, I'm TT and manually got all 8 scraps.

[Edit appending]

It appears Mafia's ideas about the letters on the strips is sometimes different from Game Documentation. For example, creased is TANG, crinkled is CAT, crumpled is PLIB, etc.
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Using what version of mafia? If not a daily build, upgrade to one, and give us the specific build number...
Hmm... "nemesis script" would still run mafia's internal nemesis function. To call the nemesis script, you'd need to run either "call nemesis" or "nemesis.ash".
Hmm... "nemesis script" would still run mafia's internal nemesis function. To call the nemesis script, you'd need to run either "call nemesis" or "nemesis.ash".

Right. That's why I quoted the output of both the intrinsic (internal) nemesis function AND the nemesis.ash output and why I suspected problems with the Mafia "nemesis" rather than solely nemesis.ash. I am sorry I was not more clear.
Try resetting Mafia's idea of what is on the paper strips:
set lastPaperStripReset = 0
then re-run the nemesis.ash script or the CLI command that identifies paper strips.
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Try resetting Mafia's idea of what is on the paper strips:
set lastPaperStripReset = 0
then re-run the nemesis.ash script of the CLI command that identifies paper strips.

Woah nelly, that fixed it! Both the intrinsic and the .ash function properly. Thanks, Slyz!

My questions now: How/why did I get in the bad state? Where should I have looked for documentation that would lead to lastPaperStripReset solution? For the latter, I'll note that it's listed on the Wiki's "KoLmafia Properties" page, but with no associated explanation. I do like to learn as much as possible, but sometimes only find useful/important arcana nestled amongst postings like this.
I think I managed to do that once by clicking on the gate before I had managed to gather the papers. I've not been able to do that again after that (well clicking I have done, but not getting out of synch), Mafia ran its detection code and complained it couldn't identify the strips and then I had to do it manually in order to pass it since it was certain it had already done it and wouldn't do it again.
My questions now: How/why did I get in the bad state? Where should I have looked for documentation that would lead to lastPaperStripReset solution? For the latter, I'll note that it's listed on the Wiki's "KoLmafia Properties" page, but with no associated explanation. I do like to learn as much as possible, but sometimes only find useful/important arcana nestled amongst postings like this.

Don't know how you did it.
Lots of things are not well documented in the traditional sense. One approach to enlightenment begins with the fact that mafia stores most of the information gleaned by a character's play in a file named <charname>_prefs.txt in the settings subdirectory. When mafia seems to be confused about the state of a character or the game, looking for a preference that might relate to that confusion is a good first step. Searching for that preference on these forums, on the script wiki or in the code itself may lead to further insight. Polite, well phrased questions are usually responded to in kind so posting a question asking about a specific preference and how it relates to a problem is often fruitful. And if you are truly bold and willing to accept responsibility for your own actions, you just reset the preference and see what happens. That said, note that some preferences are better left alone. Deleting demon names is one ;-)
I'm getting a "Function 'my_path( )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (zlib.ash, line 271)" error, and I'm on 14.6 and have the zLib.ash script so can someone help me out here?