Bug - Fixed Nemesis quest progression counter not accounting for (longstanding) in-game bug


Apparently (per the wiki) "There is an in-game bug related to this page. After retrieving the Epic Hat, you must talk to the guild class NPC twice to enable the menacing thug encounter."

Mafia apparently does not realize this, and updates questG04Nemesis from step15 to step16 on the first time you return to talk to that guy. Could this be adjusted internally to acknowledge the necessary second click? E.g., maybe update the variable to step15.5 first? Or alternatively, just sneak in an automatic second click for you? Thanks!
FWIW, here's the documentation in GuildRequest.java. Note that we are aware that step17 requires a second visit.
I just did this quest and saved HTML should cover step16 and step17.
I'll write up a test. (I sort of like the idea of "step16.5", but I'm not sure that would work out.)

      // started        "scg" offers quest; Misspelled Cemetary is open
      // step1          Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here (1049 - meet ghost)
      // step2          Fight The Unknown <class>
      // step3          Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here (1049 - defeated ghost)
      // step4          Tomb of the Unknown Your Class Here (1049 - claimed Epic Weapon)
      // step5          "scg" sends to Beelzebozo; The "Fun" House is open
      // step6          Fight The Clownlord Beelzebozo
      // step7          "scg" directs you to craft legendary Epic Weapon
      // step8          Crafted Legendary Epic Weapon
      // step9          "scg" sees Legendary Epic Weapon
      // step10         "scg" sends to cave; Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave is open
      // step11         The Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave Entrance (1087 - see puzzle)
      // step12         The Dark and Dank and Sinister Cave Entrance (1087 - passed)
      // step13         Rubble, Rubble, Toil and Trouble (1088 - see pile of rubble)
      // step14         Acquired 6 or more fizzing spore pods
      // step15         Rubble, Rubble, Toil and Trouble (1088 - blew up rubble)
      // step16         Defeated Nemesis (Inner Sanctum) and acquire Epic Hat
      // step17         Second visit; unlocks nemesis assassins
      // step18         Lose to menacing thug
      // step19         Defeat menacing thug
      // step20         Lose to Mob Penguin hitman
      // step21         Defeat Mob Penguin hitman
      // step22         Lose to third Nemesis assassin
      // step23         Defeat third Nemesis assassin
      // step24         Lose to fourth Nemesis assassin
      // step25         Defeat 4th Nemesis assassin (gain volcano map)
      // step26         (Obsolete; unlocks volcano lair via navigator on the Poop Deck)
      // step27         Defeat Nemesis (The Nemesis; Lair) and obtain Legendary Pants
      // step28         Start fight with Nemesis (Volcanic Cave)
      // step29         Defeat Nemesis (Volcanic Cave)
      // finished       Defeat Demonic Nemesis and obtain final quest rewards