Bug - Fixed Nemesis in Volcano takes two turns.


Staff member
Ed takes 7 turns to fight and KoL prevents you from entering battle with him unless you have seven turns available.
Did you know that both the Naughty Sorceress and your Nemesis in the Volcano each take 2 turns to fight, but you can enter battle with either with only one turn left? The Nightstand/Jilted Mistress works similarly.

Naughty Sorceress
Naughty Sorceress (2)

Your Nemesis
Your Demon Nemesis

My session log, which updates the turn number from the charpane, proves the 2-turn nature of these battles.

[784] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress
Round 0: Veracity loses initiative!
Round 8: Veracity wins the fight!

[785] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (2)
Round 0: Veracity loses initiative!
Round 10: Veracity wins the fight!

[785] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (3)
Round 0: Veracity loses initiative!
Round 1: Veracity wins the fight!

[786] The Island Barracks
Encounter: The Island Barracks
We log each encounter separately.

[797] The Nemesis' Lair
Encounter: Somerset Lopez, Dread Mariachi
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 3: Veracity wins the fight!
Encounter: Flying In Circles
Took choice 437/1: unknown
Encounter: Somerset Lopez, Demon Mariachi
Round 0: Veracity loses initiative!
Round 14: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez
You acquire an item: Instant Karma
You acquire an item: heart of the volcano

[799] photocopied monster
Encounter: rampaging adding machine
On the other hand, we do not do that for the Flying in Circles choice which leads to your Demon Nemesis.
We should.


Staff member
The Naughty Sorceress fight taking 2 turns is new. I doubt anything will be changed since you can still enter the fight with just 1 turn remaining (which is how challenge paths with alternative bosses have often worked before).


Active member
I thought that the NS fight used to take 3 turns... one for each form. I feel like I have a memory of being warned I couldn't finish her with remaining turns. But might have been a relay or just wrong.


I think the Naughty Sorceress is actually only take 1 turn these days even though we are logging it as 2
[681] Tower Level 5
Encounter: Shadow Hemi-Apprentice Accordion Thief

[682] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress

[683] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (2)

[683] The Naughty Sorceress' Chamber
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (3)

Is from the log, but if you look at the leaderboard for picky which is where this run occurred it has me doing a 3/682 run. Also can be seen from character pane now that I have broken crystal and no longer in picky: http://imgur.com/Hn2ovRL
Last edited:


Staff member
I think you are wrong. KoLmafia does not track turns. It simply reports what the charpane tells it. If the turn number goes up twice while fighting the Naughty Sorceress, then KoL itself reported that the the turn counter incremented twice.


I'd always believed sorceress fight was two adventures, but I have noticed that my run turncount always seems to have been counting it as one on leaderboards and ascension records.

I have this from last June (in BIG) - I pretty much randomly picked from my logs :

[1042] Sorceress Tower: Naughty Sorceress
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress
Round 0: darzil loses initiative!
You lose 5 hit points
Round 1: darzil attacks!
Round 2: naughty sorceress takes 125 damage.
You lose 11 hit points
Round 2: darzil attacks!
Round 3: naughty sorceress takes 124 damage.
Round 3: Andy hops on your back for an ironic piggy-back ride. You feel a little stronger after hauling all of that irony around.
You gain 2 Fortitude
You lose 10 hit points
Round 3: darzil casts SAUCEGEYSER!
Round 4: naughty sorceress takes 163 damage.
Round 4: Andy pulls off one of his mismatched argyle socks (that he was wearing ironically under a pair of flip-flops) and wraps it around one of your wounds. Aaaaah.
You gain 7 hit points
You lose 10 hit points
Round 4: darzil attacks!
Round 5: naughty sorceress takes 142 damage.
You lose 11 hit points
Round 5: darzil attacks!
Round 6: naughty sorceress takes 120 damage.
Round 6: darzil wins the fight!
After Battle: The words POWER UP appear above Andy's head as he instantly grows a stupid-looking moustache.
You gain 2 Mysteriousness

[1043] Sorceress Tower: Naughty Sorceress
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (2)
Round 0: darzil loses initiative!
You lose 11 hit points
Round 1: darzil attacks!
Round 2: naughty sorceress (2) takes 155 damage.
You lose 11 hit points
Round 2: darzil attacks!
Round 3: naughty sorceress (2) takes 132 damage.
Round 3: Andy hops on your back for an ironic piggy-back ride. You feel a little stronger after hauling all of that irony around.
You gain 3 Fortitude
You lose 11 hit points
Round 3: darzil attacks!
Round 4: naughty sorceress (2) takes 118 damage.
Round 4: Andy filters moonslight through his oversized sunglasses.
You gain 15 Mana Points
You lose 10 hit points
Round 4: darzil attacks!
Round 5: naughty sorceress (2) takes 112 damage.
You lose 11 hit points
Round 5: darzil attacks!
Round 6: naughty sorceress (2) takes 106 damage.
You lose 11 hit points
Round 6: darzil attacks!
Round 7: naughty sorceress (2) takes 143 damage.
Round 7: darzil wins the fight!
You gain 2 Wizardliness

[1043] Sorceress Tower: Naughty Sorceress
Encounter: The Naughty Sorceress (3)
Round 0: darzil loses initiative!
Round 1: darzil wins the fight!
You acquire an item: Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette
You gain 124 Fortitude
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 272 Magicalness
You gain 131 Cheek

(some cuts here)

[1043] The Sunken Party Yacht
Encounter: Yacht, See?

[1043] The Sunken Party Yacht
Encounter: broctopus
Round 0: darzil loses initiative!
You lose 18 hit points
Round 1: darzil casts SIPHON SPIRITS!
You acquire an item: Flaming Caipiranha
You lose 7 hit points
Round 2: darzil executes a macro!
Round 2: darzil casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Round 3: broctopus drops 12 attack power.
Round 3: broctopus drops 13 defense.
You lose 15 hit points
Round 3: darzil uses the Rain-Doh blue balls and uses the Rain-Doh indigo cup!
Round 4: broctopus takes 22 damage.
You gain 115 hit points
Round 4: broctopus drops 14 attack power.
Round 4: broctopus drops 16 defense.
Round 4: darzil attacks!
Round 5: broctopus takes 137 damage.
Round 5: broctopus drops 13 attack power.
Round 5: broctopus drops 14 defense.
Round 5: darzil casts SAUCEGEYSER!
Round 6: broctopus takes 394 damage.
Round 6: broctopus drops 14 attack power.
Round 6: broctopus drops 12 defense.
Round 6: darzil wins the fight!
You gain 50 Mana Points
Your familiar gains a pound: Gort, the 12 lb. Happy Medium
You gain 264 Meat
After Battle: Gort studies the bumps on your head. "You are an old soul with a kind spirit," she says, "and in a past life you were allergic to pickle." She smiles as you try to figure out what that has to do with anything. (+6 Stats)
You gain 36 Fortitude
You gain 57 Wizardliness
You gain 20 Smarm


Staff member
Right. KoL apparently decides that "the turn you entered the fight with the NS" is your runcount for the purpose of the ascension record - but as far as "how many turns do I have left to play today", when you leave the fight with her, the answer is "two fewer than when you started that fight".


Yeah, definitely something funny going on somewhere in KoL, given that in my session log bit there has me fighting sorceress and broctopus on turn 1043.


Right. KoL apparently decides that "the turn you entered the fight with the NS" is your runcount for the purpose of the ascension record - but as far as "how many turns do I have left to play today", when you leave the fight with her, the answer is "two fewer than when you started that fight".

I don't quite get this, isn't the number in the log supposed to represent how many turns you have used? for example when you use a free runaway the log has multiple entries with the same turn number. Shouldn't it match what is on the character sheet for turns performed in run? As can been seen in attached image?

From what I understood, your ascension record isn't calculated until you break the prism, such that if you decided to do a farming Sneaky Pete run, your ascension would show up at like 30/6000 instead of 3/682 if you decided to farm for 27 days after killing the NS, but before breaking the prism and loosing all the Sneaky Pete skills.


Staff member
I think the Naughty Sorceress is actually only take 1 turn these days even though we are logging it as 2
You are correct, except for the "logging it as two" part. Your log is completely consistent with the fight taking one turn:

[682] The Naughty Sorceress
-> you have spent 681 turns to get to this point and this is turn 682

[683] The Naughty Sorceress (2)
-> You have spent 682 turns so far, and this is turn 683

[683] The Naughty Sorceress (3)
-> Since that last encounter did not take a turn, you have STILL spent 682 turns, and this is STILL turn 683

And if you look at your next encounter, you will find that it, too, is labeled [683].

There's really no other way we can log it; we log encounters with (the number of turns you have spent so far) +1; after all, your first adventure in a run is turn 1, not 0! If the adventure ends up not taking a turn - as many choice adventures do, for example, if you take a particular option - the NEXT adventure will be logged with the same turn number.

Looking at my initial report, where I said that NS (1) was turn [784], NS (2) and NS (3) were turn [785] and my next adventure in the Island Barracks was [786] was mistaken. Looking again at my log, I see the following:

[785] The Island Barracks
Encounter: The Island Barracks
Oops. I was wrong. I will correct the thread title.

I think I am still correct about the Nemesis, however. I'll check that again in a few days.


Yup you are correct.

I see where I made my mistake, I was thinking it should have still said 682 for forms (2) and (3), but it shouldn't because those are basically treated as free turns it appears, so we were logging exactly the correct thing, even if it doesn't make exact sense when KoL reports that you finished your run in 3/682 yet your log shows you were doing something there on turn 683, it just happened to be free


Staff member
That's exactly right. KoL refreshes the charpane after you defeat the first form and says that the turn counter has advanced - you would also see that the "turns remaining" has counted down - but when it refreshes the charpane after form 2 and form 3, it does not advance the turn counter. So, the last two forms are encounters that do not consume a turn.


Staff member
Revision 15356 logs like this:

[737] The Nemesis' Lair
Encounter: Somerset Lopez, Dread Mariachi
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 4: Veracity wins the fight!

[738] The Nemesis' Lair
Encounter: Flying In Circles
Took choice 437/1: unknown
Encounter: Somerset Lopez, Demon Mariachi
Round 0: Veracity wins initiative!
Round 15: Veracity wins the fight!
You acquire an item: La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez
You acquire an item: Instant Karma
You acquire an item: heart of the volcano
I'm happy with this.