need help on a very basic script


New member
Hi, this is a script im trying ot make to just eat,drink, adventure and drink. you know.. when i need to get to level 15 and need to farm my way there for some meat. anyway.. and i know that salty dog is not the best booze.. its just cheap

Very basic script. but i cant seem to go beyond line 1 in Cli...


## eat drink adventure

    eat 5 insanely spicy bean burrito
    drink 5 salty dog
    adventure 170 castle in the cloud in the sky
    drink 1 salty dog

My advice: rename this to .txt, and lose the braces. If you really want this to be an ASH script, try this:
## eat drink adventure

void main() {
    eat(5, $item[insanely spicy bean burrito]);
    drink(5, $item[salty dog]);
    adventure(my_adventures(), $location[Castle in the Clouds in the Sky]);
    drink(1, $item[salty dog]);

This is essentially the same thing, except it'll spend all of your adventures, instead of 170. This would, however, be far better done as a regular CLI script, not ASH. Just ditch the braces {}, and change the .ash extension to .txt

eat 5 insanely spicy bean burrito
drink 5 salty dog
adventure * castle in the cloud in the sky
drink 1 salty dog
Yep. If you just want to spend 170 adventures, substitute the * with 170.
eat 5 insanely spicy bean burrito
drink 5 salty dog
adventure 170 castle in the cloud in the sky
drink 1 salty dog

Copy paste that into a .txt file, and put it in your kolmafia scripts directory.