I saw this thread and chuckled to myself, thinking there must have been some poor fools that recently rubbed our dear Veracity the wrong way. I started reading the thread, prepared to add something witty in support of the feature (just as alert reader Bale did), thinking it to be an embittered but mostly just funny joke. Much to my surprise, I found reactions of defensiveness, accusations, and general rancor.
I'm disappointed that it has come to this. Veracity is one of our champions -- we ought to cheer her on to greater coding exploits, not consume her very valuable time with personal arguments. Just think -- everyone who argues with her, prompting a response, is pointlessly taking time and emotional energy away from KoLmafia development. My friends, raise your eyes. There are principles here that trump the principles you're upset about.
Anyone who's been around for a while knows that Veracity is awesome but there are some things that really get her goat, so in the interest of not only peace and harmony but also mafia development, we need to be careful not to do those things. She's been known to ignore feature requests that are not worded to her liking, even if the feature might have been worthwhile (and that's her prerogative, by the way). But despite her proclivity to take umbrage at certain words and tones, through the years she has been the most consistent mafia developer, often fixing problems or making the reports for them before users even get around to it. She is usually the one to add new content. She often works with the feature requester to arrive at a solution which is better than the original feature request. Criticizing her or engaging in a personal argument with her is entirely counterproductive, regardless of whether or not it's justified. The devs are our treasures, and long-term commitment such as Veracity has shown ought to have earned her the right to blow off a little steam by making posts like this one.
One more thing: Veracity can be as "unprofessional" as she likes, since this is not her job. None of us have hired her services. She is perfectly free to say "No, I won't add this feature, because the requester's name is spelled funny." None of us would be entitled to complain about that. She is also free to completely stop developing KoLmafia -- which scares me and ought to scare you.
Haven't you ever played D&D? Don't piss off the DM -- it's their world. They decide what happens to us. Don't piss off the DM -- it may have negative consequences for the entire party. Don't piss off the DM -- they make the party's world turn. Us PC's are less important to the enjoyment of the game. And isn't the enjoyment of the game why we're here?
In short, the same standards don't apply to DM's and PC's. Consider the party before arguing with the DM, no matter how justified you believe yourself. Even if it's out of character for you to be conciliatory, you won't get any role-playing experience points here for remaining argumentative. Most of us just want to have fun, and an upset DM makes for a not-very-fun game.
Veracity, I for one found your feature request darkly funny. And, you can make as many "off-topic" posts as you want in my threads. I hope to see you posting there again soon. Now, about some of those proxy record feature requests...