New Content - Implemented Navel ring/GAP runaway chance properly spaded


Staff member
The actual runaway chance for these items has been properly spaded, finally. The chance of success is 100% for the first 3, 80% for the next 3, 50% for the next 3, and 20% after that.

Line 4664 of needs to be changed to
return Math.max( 20, Math.min( 100, 110 -  (Preferences.getInteger( "_navelRunaways" ) / 3 ) * 30 ) );

New Content doesn't seem like the right prefix for this thread, but neither does anything else.


New member
Navel/GAP runaway percentages

This isn't a bug, per-se, but a prior misunderstanding of mechanics.

Navel ring and GAP free runaway percentages have been (somewhat recently) spaded to be:
100% for the first 3 (1-3),
80% for the next 3 (4-6),
50% for the next 3 (7-9),
and then 20% thereafter (10+)

Can mafia be updated to recognise this?

(Link to spading thread)