New Content - Implemented Naughty Sorceress Quest Tracking

r15408 adds tracking contestant's from quest log, adds a couple of extra steps to contest from quest log, and verifies most of the tracking.

Encountered an issue with parsing my position in line in the spooky challenge, which wasn't set, but sadly missed reading the text to work out why not.
I just noticed that, in the gCLI, the bottom two locks on the door are reported in reverse. When I click on the skeleton lock the gCLI reports "Tower Door: digital lock" and when I click on the digital lock it reports "Tower door: skeleton lock".

It seems to be cosmetic as the correct lock vanishes from the image in the relay browser.
According to my log file when I implemented this, the locks are ordered like this from top to bottom.

Tower Door: Boris's lock
Tower Door: Jarlsberg's lock
Tower Door: Sneaky Pete's's lock
Tower Door: star lock
Tower Door: skeleton lock
Tower Door: digital lock

That is what the Wiki says too.

Are you saying that the 5th and 6th locks are now the digital and skeleton locks, respectively, rather than the other way around?
No. What I'm saying is that the gCLI is reporting the unlocking of the bottom two locks with the order reversed.

Tower Door: Boris's lock
Tower Door: Jarlsberg's lock
Tower Door: Sneaky Pete's's lock
Tower Door: star lock
Tower Door: digital lock
Tower Door: skeleton lock

The lock images are in the order you, and the wiki, describe.
How odd. That must mean that the "actions" are now ordered:


I am quite sure it didn't used to be that way. I'll look at it in a few days.
How odd. That must mean that the "actions" are now ordered:


I am quite sure it didn't used to be that way. I'll look at it in a few days.
Bumping, since I was non-stop Ed after that and did not "look at it in a few days".

However, since I am now doing a few Normal Standard runs (a hell of a lot less boring than lingering in aftercore to farm swagger to get my Map to Kokomo, although it will end up taking, oh, 10 days rather than 4 days), I'll be able to check this on Friday, I expect.

In other news, I get to compete in the Coldest Adventurer Contest for the first time ever. Those are the only 4 factoid producing monsters that I have never even seen. In fact, I have exhaustively researched all the others, save the secret Spelunky monster, for which I need one more factoid.
In other news, I get to compete in the Coldest Adventurer Contest for the first time ever. Those are the only 4 factoid producing monsters that I have never even seen. In fact, I have exhaustively researched all the others, save the secret Spelunky monster, for which I need one more factoid.

How odd. That must mean that the "actions" are now ordered:


I am quite sure it didn't used to be that way. I'll look at it in a few days.
Verified. Here is the HTML:

<div id=background style='position:relative;'>
  <img src="" width=450 height=550 border=0>
  <div id=ns_lock1 style=' position: absolute; top: 51; left: 322; height: 63; width: 102;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_lock1>
      <img src="" width=102 height=63 border=0 alt="Boris's Lock" title="Boris's Lock">
  <div id=ns_lock2 style=' position: absolute; top: 114; left: 321; height: 65; width: 102;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_lock2>
      <img src="" width=102 height=65 border=0 alt="Jarlsberg's Lock" title="Jarlsberg's Lock">
  <div id=ns_lock3 style=' position: absolute; top: 179; left: 321; height: 69; width: 102;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_lock3>
      <img src="" width=102 height=69 border=0 alt="Sneaky Pete's Lock" title="Sneaky Pete's Lock">
  <div id=ns_lock4 style=' position: absolute; top: 305; left: 314; height: 76; width: 105;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_lock4>
      <img src="" width=105 height=76 border=0 alt="Star Lock" title="Star Lock">
  <div id=ns_lock5 style=' position: absolute; top: 450; left: 314; height: 72; width: 105;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_lock5>
      <img src="" width=105 height=72 border=0 alt="Digital Lock" title="Digital Lock">
  <div id=ns_lock6 style=' position: absolute; top: 381; left: 318; height: 68; width: 101;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_lock6>
      <img src="" width=101 height=68 border=0 alt="Skeleton Lock" title="Skeleton Lock">
  <div id=ns_doorknob style=' position: absolute; top: 255; left: 316; height: 45; width: 45;'>
    <a  href=place.php?whichplace=nstower_door&action=ns_doorknob>
      <img src="" width=45 height=45 border=0 alt="Doorknob" title="Doorknob">
And revision 15544 fixes KoLmafia to agree with it.
Encountered an issue with parsing my position in line in the spooky challenge, which wasn't set, but sadly missed reading the text to work out why not.
Bumping this to remind me to remember to turn on debug logging when I get there again; tomorrow I finish my 14th HC Ed run, which is enough for now - it'll max out servant imbumentations before I get my first servant on my next Ed run, whenever that is - so I'll be settling back into less click-intensive Standard runs for a while, in an attempt to get my last Cold factoids.

By "parsing my position in line" do you mean when you visited the registration desk in the Relay Browser? Anything else I should check/test before we mark this thread Implemented?
Encountered an issue with parsing my position in line in the spooky challenge, which wasn't set, but sadly missed reading the text to work out why not.
nsContestants tracking for 2 and 3 seems to error for certain cases.

To reproduce:
Have exactly(?) one more adventurer to defeat for either the stat contest or the element contest.
Visit contest booth, see nsContestants2 or nsContestants3 is -1.
Visit quest log, see it tracked properly as 1. (quest log initiates a reparsing for that)
Visit contest booth again, nsContestants2/3 resets to -1.

I believe this may be caused in, which is meant to match when there's one entrant left:
text.contains( "you and one other" ) ?
This only(?) matches the Fastest adventurer text. For the other two contests, the text is different:
"You already entered the Strongest Adventurer contest.  You should go wait in line with the other Adventurers.  It says on my clipboard that only one other Adventurer besides you entered this one.  So you should go wait in line with the other Adventurer, is what I meant to say.
"You already entered the Coldest Adventurer contest.  You should go wait with the other entrants.  It says here that there's only one other person in that contest, actually.  So go wait with the... entrant."
I think it falls through to the -1 case and set the property value to that. Changing the line to something like this seems to fix the bug?
( text.contains( "you and one other" ) || text.contains( "only one other Adventurer besides you" ) || text.contains( "only one other person in that contest" ) ) ?
Thanks. Installed, tested, submitted in revision 15743.

I assume this is the issue Darzil noticed, so I am going to mark this Implemented.