New Content name change form


Could have issues with KoLmafia when used and expensive to test.

Since preferences are stored by name, changing your name and relaunching KoLmafia will lead to generating brand new preferences. The old file will be untouched, so you should be able to rename the files to match your new name.
Visiting Mr. Store
11303    name change form    541643472    namechange.gif    usable    t    0
# name change form
does this change the login account name or just display name? is the old name shown anywhere? i'm guessing player id doesn't change?
Old name is not shown anywhere and the player id stays the same
I changed my name. Mad Carew is now me. I copied my darwinlet_prefs.txt and darwinlet_moods.txt to mad_carew ... and it recalled my preferences.

I suppose we detect the use of a name change card, reset the prefs file name, and write it all back out.

I ended up getting the password from the browser stored passwords, otherwise I'd've been resetting.
I don't think there's a more sensible option than migrating anything that assumes usernames are unique to using player id