My kingdom for a delimiter!

Banana Lord

I have the double quote ", the single quote ', but now I need one more. In Python I'd use the triple quote ''', but ash doesn't seem to have that. I'm trying to call writeln() on check_version which returns a string containing both single and double quotes so I find myself one delimiter short. There might be something on the wiki, but if there is I couldn't find it.
No, that won't work. See the problem is that I'm just grabbing the output from check_version which returns something like this:
<div class='versioninfo'><big><font color=red><b>New Version of SCRIPTNAME Available: x.x</b></font></big><br><a href='' target='_blank'><u>Upgrade from x.x to x.x here!</u></a><br><small>Think you are getting this message in error? Force a re-check by typing set _version_SCRIPTNAME = in the CLI.</small><br></div>;
I need a delimiter to use for writeln() that isn't already in check_version()'s output (so I can't use " or ').
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I'm not sure I understand the problem. If its in a variable, you don't have to worry about it, and if it is a literal, you can escape the quote.
Yeah... writeln just takes a string, it doesn't care about delimiters... What exactly is the goal?
That's awkward. I got two problems mixed up :o. I'd had a problem using strings (containing multiple quote characters) from a map. My workaround was to use special html characters instead of the quotes. For some reason I got that confused with check_version and thought that I couldn't use it with writeln without another delimiter.