Mushroom Fields Automatically

Based on pastafresco's Mushroom Field Scripts, this set of files will help you grow 3rd generation mushrooms without manually editing your scripts each day. This script is meant for strictly the cli, and the cli will be started via a batch file. There is always the potential for error in that the user may run these files twice in one day which will throw everything out of whack. I am still working on the cure for that problem, and will upload a new version once I have completed it.

These files require additions to be made to them in that you need to write the logon sequence for your character, and import the shrooms.ash script into your script then call the Cycle3rdGenMain() function.

this method is not compatible with multiple characters working their mushroom fields using these same files. If more than one character uses the same set of files, the sequence will be lost.

also, you will have to put all these files in the same directory as KOLMafia, or modify them to include more specific paths to the individual files.

These files are not meant to be used with the GUI version of KOLMafia.

Finally, whenever I upload sets of files like this I do not intend for them to be just downloaded and used as is. I actually intend for you to use them as an example so that you can write your own scripts and batch files to perform these functions. Generally, the files are not usable without modification on your part for the simplest reason: Your character on KOL has a different name than mine.

These files have not been tested as I am not in a position on KOL to run the tests.

