Multi-time Olfact?

Light Peasant

New member
There's currently a One-time Olfaction on the Special Action checklist, but is there a way to make it so that the specified monster or monster that will drop your "goals" is always Olfacted? It gets tiring (yeah) adventuring in increments of 40 or less, or constantly turning One-time Olfaction again and again over upwards of 200 adventures.

This is intended for farming, so the bounty on this will be the sum of my earnings on the day I first use a kind script like this.
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That's not how olfaction of "goals" works. It won't olfact a monster until there's a single monster drops ALL remaining goals. In the castle that means it will olfact only after all the items have been garnered except for one.

You only need to do it once, even if it takes 200 adventures.
Er. Did not know! Anyway, Thanks for responding quickly!


It doesn't seem to be working as should. Let's say I'm farming tattered scraps. If my input into Goals is "400 tattered scrap" and check off One-time Olfaction, then bookbats should continue to be olfacted over the next 200 adventures. However, I'm pretty sure it's not working like this. After olfacting once, that's it. No olfaction after the first time.
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If you want to olfact a particular monster every time, put "skill olfaction" in its section in your CCS.

How could "One-time automatic Olfaction" have been worded differently, so that you might have considered the possibility that it was intended only for one-time use? I'm really curious, since lots of people seem to get confused by this feature, and I have no idea why.
Ah. That's what you were intending to do. auto-olfaction was intended for ascension use, so it works poorly for farming. I think it is part of mafia's mission statement is to always make things slightly more difficult for farmers.
Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to write automatic goal-monster-olfaction into a consult script? Too bad that is presently impossible since we can't know how many of a goal are still needed.

*nudge nudge poke poke*