Moxie Classes - grind to level 9


New member
I threw together this script to finish leveling from 8 to 9, after the trapz0r's quest, for moxie classes. All it does is adventure in the Haunted Ballroom until you get a dance card, uses the card, then continues adventuring. I put in a check so it shouldn't stack dance cards, which causes the Rotting Matilda adventure to be delayed, and it automatically stops at level 9.

int x;
x = 0;
void main()
	while ((my_level() < 9) && (my_adventures() > 0))
		adventure(1, $location[Haunted Ballroom]);
		if (x > 0) x = x - 1;
		if ((item_amount($item[dance card]) > 0) && (x == 0))
			use( 1, $item[dance card]);
			x = 4;
This could probably be used for the level-to-level grind for moxie classes at any higher level, but I have only used it to grind from 8 to 9. Maybe I'll try using it to speed-grind to 30 for the trophy after beating the NS this run.


Slight modification of this script, to change a few things:
1) Not use a card if you don't have enough adventures to finish it that day. I'm not sure that they carry on during rollover, so better safe than sorry.
2) Check for dance card before combat. Every adventure is a Potential Dance Card adventure! Also, takes care of if you have some left over from the previous day, or you purchased some from the mall/Whatever.
3) I'm using it to Grind to 30, so You know, Levelcap isn't 9.
int x;
x = 0;
void main()
	while ((my_level() < 30) && (my_adventures() > 0))
		if ((item_amount($item[dance card]) > 0) && (x == 0) && (my_adventures() > 3))
			use( 1, $item[dance card]);
			x = 4;
		adventure(1, $location[Haunted Ballroom]);
		if (x > 0) x = x - 1;

