moving from 8.7 to 8.8 broke my function


New member
First if this has been answered elsewhere let me say sorry and ask that you direct me there. That said I have a function that I use between ascensions to prep my soft-core characters for the next run. Now when I run the command in 8.8 it seems to error getting from stash or closet. Running the take_stash command on its own gives a "No available namespace with function" error. I have included a small cut from the main to show how the function is called.

void check_buy(int qty, item item_to_get)
	int amt_needed;
	amt_needed = qty-item_amount(item_to_get);

	while (amt_needed>0)
	{if(take_storage(1,item_to_get)){amt_needed = amt_needed - 1;}else{break;}}
	while (amt_needed>0)
	{if(take_stash( 1, item_to_get)){amt_needed = amt_needed - 1;}else{break;}}

	if (amt_needed>0)

void main()
	// Campground Accessories
	check_buy(1,$item[beanbag chair]);

I couldn't reproduce the "no namespace" error with the current source; perhaps I don't understand what you mean by "Running the take_stash command on its own."

I did notice that ASH was not detecting failed moves from hagnks or stash. It's potentially a wider problem; any time KoLmafia wanted to print "Request completed", it would forget that the request had failed.

I made it not forget that the request had failed, and your script then worked perfectly for me.

Presumably the fix will be available in a future daily build...