Mosquito Larva quest


This script will undertake the Mosquito Larva quest for you. While waiting for the larva adventure to show up, if you happen to find yourself with wooden stakes in your inventory, then the script will equip them and go vampire hunting as much as possible. This entails some switching of the adventure choices, but the bags of blood are so nice that I doubt you'll mind. If you have unredeemed hearts when you get the larva, then you'll have to make the decision to quest there further if that's what you want to do.

The other nice thing about this script is that I'm starting to unveil my "make_moxie()" function, which will do what it can to ensure that your moxie is up to a certain level before adventuring in an area. At the moment, the only decisions it will make are casting Moxious Madrigal and buying and using hair spray. In the future, I might start adding in buying and using spikey hair gels (which are always in the mall at min price) and Sugar Rush as long as you're not a mage.


Thanks! They're fun to write, and I'm glad that other people can get some use out of them as well.

I'm sitting on a snazzy bat hole script that is nearly done being debugged. Once that's taken care of, I can move on to Cobb's Knob. :)