But if your are spending time on things like this, your next hack will always be quicker and better!
I can also sympathize with wanting to do things the best possible way
I get in trouble sometimes for spending too much time on things at work when they only need a quick hack though![]()
But it certainly doesn't hurt your motivation ^^Contrary to popular belief, I don't develop mafia because of all the babes that are drawn to my position of authority.
I hope you didn't use company time to work that out!it would take my company 14 years to justify the extra hour I spent![]()
Sometimes the "best possible way" might save 5 seconds at execution time, but take an extra hour to implement. In my workplace, if we're only running that piece of code once per week, it would take my company 14 years to justify the extra hour I spent
In roippi's case, when working with a small amount of data, I would suggest going with the most readable/easily maintained solution (Occam's razor and all that).
[COLOR=olive]> equip[/COLOR]
Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Glass Balls of the Goblin King
Shirt: sea salt scrubs
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: paperclip cape
Acc. 1: glacial clock
Acc. 2: (none)
Acc. 3: Oscus's pelt
Pet: Baby Bugged Bugbear (35 lbs)
Item: bugged balaclava
[COLOR=olive]> equip 2 glacial clock[/COLOR]
Taking off glacial clock...
Equipment changed.
Putting on glacial clock...
Equipment changed.
[COLOR=olive]> equip[/COLOR]
Hat: Hodgman's porkpie hat
Weapon: scratch 'n' sniff sword
Off-hand: Glass Balls of the Goblin King
Shirt: sea salt scrubs
Pants: sugar shorts
Container: paperclip cape
Acc. 1: (none)
Acc. 2: glacial clock
Acc. 3: Oscus's pelt
Pet: Baby Bugged Bugbear (35 lbs)
Item: bugged balaclava
I assume that is a bug because you had another glacial clock available and wanted a glacial clock in both acc1 and acc2.
> maximize familiar weight -tie
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
3072 combinations checked, best score 68.00
Putting on crumpled felt fedora...
Equipment changed.
Removing items from closet...
You acquire an item: gnawed-up dog bone
Wielding gnawed-up dog bone...
Equipment changed.
Taking off gnawed-up dog bone...
Equipment changed.
Holding gnawed-up dog bone...
Why bother putting a weapon into your offhand if you don't have anything in your on-hand? "On-hand?" Whatever.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.
> maximize mp
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
30962 combinations checked, best score 3,260.00, best since last = 3,260.00
67340 combinations checked, best score 3,260.00, best since last = 3,260.00
Pulling items from storage...
Putting on Hairpiece On Fire...
Equipment changed.
Pulling items from storage...
Wielding Hand that Rocks the Ladle...
Equipment changed.
Taking off Hand that Rocks the Ladle...
Equipment changed.
Holding Hand that Rocks the Ladle...
Why bother putting a weapon into your offhand if you don't have anything in your on-hand? "On-hand?" Whatever.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.
> acquire 2 hand rock
Pulling items from storage...
This phrasing is how you encourage people to care about the bug.for reasons I cannot fathom