Bug - Cannot Reproduce Modifier maximizer locking up.


New member
I'm running KoLmafia 14.6 r9350, but I saw the same issue in r9300.

I see this problem on my main character (blort), but not on my other characters. Blort just finished a sauceror Hardcore Bees Hate You run and started a turtle tamer Hardcore Bees Hate You; I didn't spend any time in aftercore and didn't think to check whether the problem showed up then. My other characters are in casual or aftercore, and haven't ascended since the valhallavamp.

When I run the GUI modifier maximizer with the "creatable/foldable" or "pullable/buyable" radio button selected, it locks up -- the CLI and status bar display "Maximizing...", the buttons grey out the way they do when mafia is busy, and the modifier results pane doesn't populate. (I've left it sitting at this stage for as much as 20 minutes with no change). Hitting the "Stop Now" button frees it back up temporarily -- once I've run into this issue and stopped it, using the modifier maximizer in the other modes, or updating inventory, will leave things grayed out until I hit "stop" again. This behavior continues until I restart KoLmafia; logging out and logging back in doesn't clear it up.

Apologies if this is somehow user error.

