Modified slime.ash


New member
Okay, this is a version of Alhifar's script for the Slime Tube as modified by Gemelli and later by me. My version has a couple of new features. One, it doesn't shrug Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance unless that's needed to get ML under 100. If it can manipulate the MCD so that ML totals exactly 99, it will. Second, the familiars used can be set in the gCLI. Instead of editing the file when you want to change the "good kitty" (familiar to be used on low-ML turns), just issue a command such as

set goodkitty=llama

The "badkitty" will usually be the Purse Rat, so this only needs to be changed if you don't have one. Familiar settings will be remembered across sessions.

Read notes at beginning of file, change settings as needed, and place in your mafia scripts directory. Set familiar as above, do whatever other configuration is needed by editing the file -- you can edit the outfit names ("oasis" and "slimy") in the file or create/rename two outfits with those names. Invoke with a command such as "slime.ash 100" to run 100 turns in the Slime Tube.


Hi, I'm trying to use this script and can't figure out how to use two different custom combat scripts with it. I don't know that much about mafia scripting. What I want is one script for the low ML turns that just attacks with weapon and then one for the high ML turns that does this:
1: skill shieldbutt
2: skill shieldbutt
3: skill entangling noodles
4: skill shieldbutt
5: skill shieldbutt
6: skill shieldbutt

I can't figure out how to do it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I think 100ML is ok - 101 is not, so you might want to set that as the default (not 99). Nice additions! The Ur-Kel sometimes really adds lag to running the script (well, after rollover).

jadziadax: the east thing to so is put in lines that call new custom combat scripts (manually make one in the ccs directory, with [ default ] and what you want it to do). Then call them from your slime tube script, like:

cli_execute("outfit Slime X;ccs slimehigh;mcd 0;shrug ur-kel;wait 1; adv 1 slime tube");

("ccs slimelow" = switch custom combat script to slimelow.ccs in your ccs directory)

And slimelow.ccs would be pretty much:

[ default ]
1: shieldbutt
3: noodles
4: shieldbutt

Then have another lime for low ml, with different settings.
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I gotta say, I love this script.

One issue is that I got disconnected while skill cleesh was set, and when I started up the script again, oldaction was set to cleesh. I'm not sure if there's a good way to fix this, maybe a line that checks if oldaction is cleesh, and setting oldaction instead to Custom Combat default? I'm not sure there'd ever be a case when people would choose to cleesh high-level slimes if already coated.
I apologise in advance if I sound condescending or rude (that's definitely not what I'm going for), but the only modification this script provides that isn't in the current version of my script is the ability to set your familiar from the CLI. The latest version will do everything else that's been added, including some of the problems people have had, such as the ability to use 2 ccs's, and fixing oldaction when you abort with cleesh/tatterlikes as your action.

Was it really necessary to fork the script for this?
If you'd like to fold the changes in to your version, there doesn't need to be a fork. I've been considering making more changes to how it sets the familiar though.
slimy_turns=have_effect($effect[Covered in Slime]);
print(adv_to_use + " turns to go; "+slimy_turns+" turns of

this is what is written in the script, but the effect is actually "Coated in Slime"
I tend to be quite clueless though and am quite a newb at using scripts, so if this was already fixed and i was doing something wrong please let me know, and excuse me.

I'd recommend just using my version of the script, every feature in this one, plus quite a few more bug fixes are in my version that aren't in this version, since it was based on a (now) REALLY old version of slime.ash
thanks, I'll just do that then.

as far as this script goes im also getting "script parsing error (slime.ash, line 1)" when i try to use it. dunno if its my error or the scripts though. I only changed the word covered to coated.
Hey I used this script for a dozen or so runs a while back and it worked fine. Now for some reason it won't swap my outfits. Everything else works fine, but it doesn't seem to even try to swap outfits between max and min ML. Any ideas?