Killing jar can't actually be autosold/discarded, but its minimum mall price is 176, putting its autosell value at 88. Mafia needs to know this so that the "auto reprice" function works on it. Currently, the price for that item stays at 999,999,999.
Hmm, at present there are precisely two items that currently have no autosell price, can't be discarded, and have an autosell price in Mafia (silver shrimp fork and bubblin' crude). Attempts to autosell them silently fail with no message.
Does this mean there are many such items but we don't currently handle autosell / mall minimum properly? Do we need a new category to handle such items gracefully? I'm not personally keen on the way these items show to have an autosell price in mafia when they actually don't. I don't care greatly, but am not too keen to add to the number of items where we display something that isn't true (an autosell value on something that can't be autosold).
Edit - Yes, over 1000 such items, including many commonly traded items.
If an item is discardable, the price is the autosell price.
If it is also tradable, the price is 1/2 the mall minimum
If an item is tradable but not discardable, you cannot autosell it, but the price is 1/2 the mall minimum.
(And if it is neither tradable nor discardable, the price may as well be 0, as now.)
There are 1345 items which are tradable but not discardable and have no price in items.txt. They currently show as no sell as the autosell value.
There are 2 items which are tradable but not discardable and have a price in items.txt. They currently show 1/2 the mall minimum price as the autosell value.
Do you think that this is a request to change the price in items.txt to 1/2 mall minimum for one of the 1345 items that currently do not have one ?
If we do this should we do it for the other 1344 ? (some of which are very valuable and we'd not want to sell at min price!)
Or is there currently another way that we work out the mall minimum which isn't working for this one (and possibly the other two) ?
Shall we change the display for the items which are tradeable but not disardable in Item Manager to show no_sell under their autosell value rather than 1/2 the mall minimum price ? (currently 2, requested to be 3, potentially many more, but it's a simple generic code change)
1) I think this is a request to change one item, but I am sure it will be followed by others.
2) We should change any and all of the others - if we have a (safe) way to find the mall minimum.
3) And yes - I think that non-discardable items should show "no-sell" in an "autosell" column, regardless of whether we have a mall minimum registered for them.
1) requires changing one number in items.txt.
2) requires a lot of tedious data discovery & data entry.
3) is useful, easy enough, and a sufficiently satisfying coding change.
I'd propose we do #1 and #3 for now, and consider how/if we can do #2 efficiently and safely.
I suggest we outsource #2 to the community, maybe by adding ones they know here ! (I imagine some will be pretty obvious. Any item where min current mall price is 100, any where there are thousands at the current min mall price - and it's low, given highest known autosell prices are pretty low)
Happy to look at #1 and #3 tomorrow if no one else does (would not have been happy to just do #1).
The two items you mentioned (the bubblin' crude and the silver shrimp fork) got that way because I reported them, the same way I did here. I don't have the means to systematically check all items; I can only notice a problem the auto-reprice function doesn't work on something (which doesn't apply to items that are selling for more than their minimum possible value).