Bug - Fixed missing Crystal ball prediction string


New member
private static final Pattern[] CRYSTAL_BALL_PATTERNS = {
        Pattern.compile( "your next fight will be against <b>an? (.*?)</b>" ),

        Pattern.compile( "next monster in this (?:zone is going to|area will) be <b>an? (.*?)</b>" ),
        Pattern.compile( "Look out, there's <b>an? (.*?)</b> right around the next corner" ),

        Pattern.compile( "There's a little you fighting a little <b>(.*?)</b>" ),
        Pattern.compile( "How do you feel about fighting <b>an? (.*?)</b>\\? Coz that's" ),

        Pattern.compile( "the next monster in this area will be <b>an? (.*?)</b>" ),
        Pattern.compile( "and see a tiny you fighting a tiny <b>(.*?)</b> in a tiny" ),

        Pattern.compile( "it looks like there's <b>an? (.*?)</b> prowling around" ),
        Pattern.compile( "and see yourself running into <b>an? (.*?)</b> soon" ),

        Pattern.compile( "showing you an image of yourself fighting <b>an? (.*?)</b>" )

From the wiki notes it's
"From what you can see in <familiar>'s crystal ball, it looks like if you stick around here you're going to run into a <monster>."


Staff member
Fixed in latest