Bug - Fixed Missing 1 Drunk Capacity starting with 27601


New member
Starting with version 27601, Mafia does not recognize one point of my maximum Drunkness. So when I'm at the limit without going over, it believes I'm over Drunk and gives the warning before each adventure. It has to be not recognizing Hollow Leg as that's the only Liver modifier that I have.
27601 switched to reading liver from modifiers instead of a custom method, but Hollow Leg is a passive skill so I don't understand why this isn't working.
You could:
  • click the "refresh" button
  • run "refresh all"
  • run "modtrace liver capacity"
  • open the relay browser
and any of those should fix it. It needs to run recalculateAdjustments, and to be aware of your skills.

Again, I'm surprised that you're able to adventure (presumably gaining stats or items) without this being fixed.
It's back to working properly as of at least 27616. That's the first version I tried since 27607.

Thanks to whomever fixed it.
Well, I thought it was fixed, but when I logged back in after rollover, I'm back to the same issue.

I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to code or how to run "modetrace liver capacity." Can someone explain how I do this? Thanks.
Okay, so somebody else reported this (from after freeing the king), so I did some investigation and found the following, copied here for ease of reference:

yeah, I can see a race
`Modifiers.availablePassiveSkillModifiersByVariable` is cleared by `resetModifiers` which is called by `liberateKing`, but changing the `kingLiberated` preference sets `availableSkillsChanged` to `true`, which repopulates it in `applyPassiveModifiers`

I think this also applies whenever a skill provided by a piece of equipment is added or removed.
Newest versions seem to be working (at least starting with 27638 - it may have started working sooner, but I missed a few updates).
