New Content - Implemented Milk of Magnesium nerfed

Failure message:

You've already had some of this stuff today, and it was pretty hard on the old gullet.  Best wait until tomorrow to go through that again.
Use success message:
You swallow the liquid.  You stomach immediately begins to churn, and all the wrinkles in your shirt smooth out from the heat radiating from your abdomen.

Eat message:
Satisfied, you let loose a nasty magnesium-flavored belch.
Revision 19676 does the bulk of what is needed for this:

property _milkOfMagnesiumUsed is true or false
- when you use it (or we detect it was used via the consumption message), set to true
Will ask about using milk if it is false, not depending on Got Milk turns

I have no idea if you can still get Got Milk from the genie. I removed milk of magnesium as a source for that, but left in the code in the Item Manager to give food an extra adventure per size if the effect is active.

If Got Milk is completely obsolete, we can remove more code, but this is enough to let scripts support nerfed milk of magnesium, at least.
It's probably left for those that still have the effect from using milk pre-update, but there's no way to get the effect anymore
Update: a charge of Milk of Magnesium can carry through rollover.

This means you can start a day with the charge from the previous day's MoM.
1- You can eat this day's milk of magnesium (while the previous charge is still saved up). Doing so OVERWRITES the previous day's charge (you lost 5 adventures).
2- If you eat, you get the charge that was saved up. Afterwards, you can still get this day's charge of milk of magnesium. This means that seeing the effect of the charge of MoM trigger upon eating DOESN'T MEAN that you can't take a new one today (right now, mafia will stop you).
If you do all of your consumption via KoLMafia, we can accurately track this. If you do some of it outside of our sight, we can’t.

Can you accumulate multiple doses? How about across ascension?
you can't stack, since the previous charge is overwritten

ascension would be very improbable, but I guess it's untested so far...
r19682 now asks "are you sure you want to eat without milk" if you try to eat magical sausage without drinking milk of magnesium first.
However, magical sausages do not trigger milk of magnesium new functionality.

Today I did the following in order
tried to eat a magical sausage, warned by mafia, said no to not eat.
drink milk
eat 22 magical sausages
eat extra greasy slider with salad fork = triggered +5 adv from milk

I have no idea if you can still get Got Milk from the genie. I removed milk of magnesium as a source for that, but left in the code in the Item Manager to give food an extra adventure per size if the effect is active.
You can't get it from genie anymore
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I think this is fixed. I didn't remove the obsolete code for Got Milk, but I don't care.
Should the extant issues be treated as bugs with the new implementation, rather than wrinkles in the process of making the new implementation?

For instance, should I file a bug report for the magical sausage issue mentioned earlier?
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Near as I can tell, it didn't nag before was because the sausage has fullness 0 and that was never greater than the number of turns of the effect you had left.
Which is to say, there was no special check for the sausage. Wiki says that Got Milk "Does not work with sushi or with Hobopolis marketplace food."
Wiki doesn't say a word about which items the new Got Milk doesn't work on.

Wiki also says "An unused charge of milk of magnesium will persist through rollover, but using another milk of magnesium without first using the charge will overwrite it instead of stack."
That would imply we should have a non reset-at-rollover property which says you have an unused charge, and when we detect the milk message after consumption, reset that.
If you ate with yesterday's charge, can you drink more today?

I guess this is not done. Except for me; what we have now suits my needs, so I am unlikely to spend more time on it. ;)
Near as I can tell, it didn't nag before was because the sausage has fullness 0 and that was never greater than the number of turns of the effect you had left.
Which is to say, there was no special check for the sausage. Wiki says that Got Milk "Does not work with sushi or with Hobopolis marketplace food."
Wiki doesn't say a word about which items the new Got Milk doesn't work on.

Wiki also says "An unused charge of milk of magnesium will persist through rollover, but using another milk of magnesium without first using the charge will overwrite it instead of stack."
That would imply we should have a non reset-at-rollover property which says you have an unused charge, and when we detect the milk message after consumption, reset that.
If you ate with yesterday's charge, can you drink more today?

I guess this is not done. Except for me; what we have now suits my needs, so I am unlikely to spend more time on it. ;)
I suspect it does not trigger for size 0 food. As for the weird non-reset-at-rollover behavior, that seems a lot like a bug, particularly with regards to being allowed to waste a milk of magnesium the next day. I personally don't think it is worth implementing that until we get confirmation that is actually meant to happen.

Either way, you have no obligation to do anything, especially if you don't need the changes. Should I submit a patch for not asking with size 0 food to this thread?
Try revision 19696 (untested) which is coded in such a way that we could replace the "size 0" check with something more complicated, (like excluding sushi), should we desire.