Bug Meat amount is not detected


New member
If there's more than 2³¹ meat in hand¹, and a browser has not been started, the amount of meat is considered² zero.

¹ assumption based on the observation that reducing the amount of meat below the magical limit seemed to help with the issue
² the left panel GUI shows 0 and my_meat() returns 0
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We parse Meat as a "long" from api.php.
Have you tried pressing the "refresh" button at the bottom of the Compact Side Pane?
The refresh button calls api.php.
The refresh command does not.

I'd looked at ApiRequest and CharPaneRequest, but not CharSheetRequest.
Good catch.
Anyways, let us know if you still see this problem with r28033 (or later). I can't test readily because I don't think I have access to an account with > 2 billion meat on hand.