Feature - Implemented maximizer won't display trivial advocations option if in ronin/hardcore

This is kinda a bug, but since it seems to be deliberate, I figured I'll start with a feature to avoid flaming. :)

I was adventuring along, still in ronin, and wanted to maximize mainstat. I had pulled the trivial advocations item, and knew I had some cards lying around, so figured that'd show up - but it didn't. After some brief headscratching I went into the code and found:

 10860       slyz 					// Hardcoded exception for "Trivia Master", which has a non-standard use command.
 10860       slyz 					if ( !KoLCharacter.canInteract() && cmd.indexOf( "Trivial Avocations Card" ) != -1 )
 10860       slyz 					{
 10890       slyz 						continue;
 10860       slyz 					}
 10861       slyz 					else

so, okay - we don't show it if we're not able to interact. but, the various trivial cards are valid regardless of if you can interact (which I tested just to be sure). I tried removing the code just to see what would happen, and now it displays all 4 individual cards (which not a bad thing, since they're valid bonuses on their own), but not the trivia master effect. So, what am I missing? Is trivia master just not yet supported (effectively) by maximizer? I'll go dig further in the code, but figured it was worth a shot in the forum first.


Active member
So a better fix may be to use inHardcore() (or whatever the internal function is called) rather than canInteract()?
Well, I think the thread bale pointed out (thanks, bale!) suggests that trivia master is just not yet implemented effectively w/ the maximizer, rather than anything to do with canInteract(). My take is there shouldn't be any checking of the hc/ronin status, just about the item availability - as your hc status (say) will by definition force a lack of trivial advocation cards. But, that's what I'm testing for before I go charging off to code something completely off base.


Active member
My take is there shouldn't be any checking of the hc/ronin status, just about the item availability - as your hc status (say) will by definition force a lack of trivial advocation cards.

Correct. Looks like slyz just made a minor oversight, feel free to supply a patch.


It was a quick and dirty (and probably meant to be temporary) fix. I hadn't considered that people would actually pull the item.
hehe. okay, cool - I'll work on a fix, then. thanks! When you're doing lazy SC ascensions like I am, it's a nice pull since you can continue to accrue more cards through the run.


r11680 is about as sophisticated as I think we should go with this, unless more effects are introduced that require the use of multiple things.