Bug Maximizer with 1x foldable mushroom leaves slots empty


New member
Hi, i was using maximizer for the a-boo peak quest, and this happened:

> maximize cold res, spooky res

Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
2120 combinations checked, best score 20.00
Using 1 mushroom pants...
You acquire an item: mushroom badge
Finished using 1 mushroom pants.
Using 1 mushroom badge...
You acquire an item: mushroom cap
Finished using 1 mushroom badge.
Putting on mushroom cap...
Equipment changed.
Wielding titanium assault umbrella...
Equipment changed.
Taking off mushroom cap...
Equipment changed.
Using 1 mushroom cap...
You acquire an item: mushroom shield
Finished using 1 mushroom cap.
Holding mushroom shield...
Equipment changed.
Putting on bony back shell...
Equipment changed.
Taking off mushroom shield...
Equipment changed.
Using 1 mushroom shield...
You acquire an item: mushroom pants
Finished using 1 mushroom shield.
Putting on mushroom pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on ghost of a necklace...
Equipment changed.
Putting on head mirror...
Equipment changed.
Taking off mushroom pants...
Equipment changed.
Using 1 mushroom pants...
You acquire an item: mushroom badge
Finished using 1 mushroom pants.
Putting on mushroom badge...
Equipment changed.

> equip

Hat: (none)
Weapon: titanium assault umbrella
Off-hand: (none)
Shirt: (none)
Pants: (none)
Back: bony back shell

Acc. 1: ghost of a necklace
Acc. 2: head mirror
Acc. 3: mushroom badge

Pet: Baby Gravy Fairy (20 lbs)
Item: ant pick
So you had a mushroom badge, and the maximizer decided that it wanted a mushroom cap, a mushroom shield, and mushroom pants.
It folded/equipped each of those in turn from the same mushroom cap.

Wow. That's a general bug with the maximizer and foldable items/
Unfortunately, I am not reproducing this.

You are maximizing for cold resistance and spooky resistance.
None of the mushroom items help with either of those, so, apparently they are being chosen because they are "better" than what you'd otherwise wear.

mushroom cap = Monster Level: +25, Adventures: +5, PvP Fights: +5
mushroom shield = Muscle: +40, Mysticality: -20, Moxie: -20, Combat Rate: +5, Damage Reduction: 6
mushroom pants = Moxie: +40, Muscle: -20, Mysticality: -20, Combat Rate: -10

I bought a mushroom slab and folded it into a mushroom badge.
I tried maximizing for specific positive things to see if I could get it to recommend two.

In the GUI, ".2 monster level, -combat"

fold & equip mushroom cap (+5)
(various pants which grant up to (weighted) +8 ML, ignoring the mushroom pants which gave -10 combat).

In the GUI: ".2 monster level, +combat"

fold & equip mushroom cap (+5)
(an off-hand item which granted (weighted) +1 ML, ignoring the mushroom shield which gave +5 combat)

I guess I'll take a look at how it decides to equip items which don't actually satisfy your goals - tiebreaker stuff.
Unfortunately, all of my test characters are chock-full of stuff that is better than mushrooms gear.
Unfortunately, I am not reproducing this.
You are maximizing for cold resistance and spooky resistance.
None of the mushroom items help with either of those, so, apparently they are being chosen because they are "better" than what you'd otherwise wear.

i do have a lihc face which does provide spooky res, and it sometimes suggests the mushroom cap over that.

> maximize spooky res, hot res

60     combinations checked, best score 26.00
Putting on lihc face...
Equipment     changed.
Holding discarded finger painting...
Equipment changed.
Putting     on dress pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on oven mitts...
Equipment     changed.

> equip

Hat: lihc face
Weapon:     titanium assault umbrella
Off-hand: discarded finger painting
Shirt:     (none)
Pants: dress pants
Back: bony back shell

Acc. 1:     glowing red eye
Acc. 2: ghost of a necklace
Acc. 3: oven mitts

Pet:     Left-Hand Man (16 lbs)
Item: discarded finger painting

I tried to reproduce it too:

(ok: working as expected)

[table="width: 500"]
[td]-combat, +item [/td]
[td]+ML, +combat[/td]
[td]spooky res, hot res[/td]
[td]spooky res, cold res[/td]
[td]not ok[/td]
[td]hot res, cold res[/td]
[td]not ok[/td]
[td]hot res[/td]
[td]not ok[/td]
[td]spooky res[/td]
Last edited:
the bug seems to be in outfit bonus evaluation,
maximizer thinks it can get the Mushroom Masquerade outfit bonus by folding a single item into every slot,
can only reproduce if you are able to closet any equipment that can give more than the outfit bonus in these slots
We can probably write a test for this without having to get a character into a specific position