Bug - Fixed Maximizer error first time with new HTML Cleaner:Expression syntax errors


Staff member
KoLmafia v19.6 r19349, Mac OS X, Java 10.0.1

You acquire an item: left parenthesis
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)... [I was maximizing adv]
420 combinations checked, best score 11.00
Expression syntax errors for 'Effect:[2011]':
Expected end, found )
420 combinations checked, best score 11.00
420 combinations checked, best score 11.00
It repeats on restart, but it doesn't provide anything helpful to debug_log.
KoLmafia v19.6 r19349, Mac OS X, Java 10.0.1
Timestamp: Sat Jun 29 12:28:18 CDT 2019

Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
420 combinations checked, best score 11.00
Expression syntax errors for 'Effect:[2011]':
Expected end, found )
Maximizer doesn't use HTML cleaner. This was actually an expression error I introdced for Expert Vacationer (which is Effect #2011)
Revision 19350
ah. I edited out the whole "not sure if this HTML Cleaner is involved or not" part, trying to make the defect report more concise, but didn't fix the title.

Thanks for fixing it.