Bug Maximizer bug


Staff member
This started happening a few months ago. Time to report it, I guess.

VeracitySpaceGate wants to maximize for item drop while equipping the specific items required by the planet it will visit.

Here's gCLI output:

Visiting Spacegate Equipment Requisition
You acquire an item: filter helmet
You acquire an item: exo-servo leg braces
You acquire an item: geological sample kit
Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
20000 combinations checked, best score 1,230.01 (FAIL)
Putting on eldritch hat...
Equipment changed.
Wielding broken champagne bottle...
Equipment changed.
Holding extra-large utility candle...
Equipment changed.
Putting on eldritch pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on ring of the Skeleton Lord...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Mayor Ghost's sash...
Equipment changed.
Maximizer failed to equip all needed gear.

filter helmet is a hat
exo-servo leg braces are pants
geological sample kit is offhand

And yet, the maximizer chose to equip item drop stuff in those slots, even though I specified that certain items had to be included.

As I said, this used to work flawlessly. Now it fails the first time. Second time:

> maximize item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit

Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
20000 combinations checked, best score 1,080.01
Putting on filter helmet...
Equipment changed.
Holding geological sample kit...
Equipment changed.
Putting on exo-servo leg braces...
Equipment changed.

It works.
Could this be because the first run never reaches the combination with all the +equip requirements before hitting your maximizer limit?
If this is indeed due to your maximizer combinations limit, I wonder if a better approach might be to explicitly equip the items in question, then exclude the slots in question from maximization via -pants etc.
> maximize item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit

Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
20000 combinations checked, best score 1,000.00 (FAIL)
Putting on eldritch hat...
Equipment changed.
You acquire an item: broken champagne bottle
Wielding broken champagne bottle...
Equipment changed.
Holding extra-large utility candle...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Camp Scout backpack...
Equipment changed.
Putting on flaming pink shirt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on eldritch pants...
Equipment changed.
Pulling items from storage...
Putting on stinky fannypack...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Jekyllin hide belt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Mayor Ghost's sash...
Equipment changed.
Putting on li'l ninja costume...
Equipment changed.
Pockets loaded: 666
Pockets categorized: 666
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

> maximize item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit

Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
20000 combinations checked, best score 850.00
Putting on filter helmet...
Equipment changed.
Holding geological sample kit...
Equipment changed.
Putting on exo-servo leg braces...
Equipment changed.

> maximize item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit

Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
20000 combinations checked, best score 1,000.00 (FAIL)
Putting on eldritch hat...
Equipment changed.
Holding extra-large utility candle...
Equipment changed.
Putting on eldritch pants...
Equipment changed.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

> maximize item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit

Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
20000 combinations checked, best score 850.00
Putting on filter helmet...
Equipment changed.
Holding geological sample kit...
Equipment changed.
Putting on exo-servo leg braces...
Equipment changed.
Isn't that funny?

I could swear that I set a combination limit last year, not a few months ago. But:

> set maximizerCombinationLimit=100000

maximizerCombinationLimit => 100000

> outfit birthday suit

Taking off everything...
Everything removed.

> maximize item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit

Maximizer: item drop +effective +equip filter helmet +equip exo-servo leg braces +equip geological sample kit
68208 combinations checked, best score 850.00
Putting on filter helmet...
Equipment changed.
Wielding broken champagne bottle...
Equipment changed.
Holding geological sample kit...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Camp Scout backpack...
Equipment changed.
Putting on flaming pink shirt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on exo-servo leg braces...
Equipment changed.
Putting on stinky fannypack...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Jekyllin hide belt...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Mayor Ghost's sash...
Equipment changed.

It really does seem to be the combination limit.

I've been playing for more than 17 years, so I have a LOT of stuff, and without a limit, I've seen it take mllions of iterations and several minutes.

100,000 is not too egregious - with my Apple M1 chip computer, at least.

I guess this is Not a Bug.
I guess my question was: If we require a set of specific equipment, why doesn't the maximizer start with those items equipped and then maximize for the other slots, rather than look at combinations that do NOT have the required equipment?
Don't know but that's a good idea