Bug - Not A Bug maximizer and ML


I'm in a Dark Gyfft and the maximizer doesn't show Dinsey face paint even if I have fun funds in my inventory.
It also doesn't show show the annoy-o-tron even though I have access to the The Gnomads' Camp.
The second I would expect, as Maximizer doesn't suggest changing any of the +ML devices.
Does Mafia think you don't have access to Dinseylandfill? (ie what is value of preferences stenchAirportAlways and _stenchAirportToday ?
Standard restrictions are lifted when you break the prism and Dinseylandfill is not in Standard - but Dark Gyffte is out of Standard. How do we decide when Standard restrictions apply? I’m away from my computer.
This is, literally, the only place in KoL where we decide if your path has Standard restrictions - in CharSheetRequest.parseStatus:

		KoLCharacter.setRestricted( responseText.contains( "standard.php" ) );
On your char sheet, does it say your Dark Gyffte charsheet has Standard restrictions?
(I am, literally, in Standard and it says this: "Path: Standard (item availability schedule)" where the "schedule" is a link to standard.php.)
I am able to reproduce this.

I have a character with access to Dinseylandfill and 9 FunFunds in inventory.

Under Preferences/ItemAcquisition, I checked "Buy items with tokens at coin masters whenever needed".
I went to the Maximizer and maximized for Monster Level.
It suggested "Make and use Dinsey face paint (+40)"
I undecked "Buy items with tokens at coin masters whenever needed"
I went to the Maximizer and clicked the "update" button.
It no longer suggested Dinsey face paint

The Dinsey Company Store is a Coinmaster. That makes it a creation method. You can always manually purchase things there using the Coinmaster frame or the Purchases tab, but automated acquisition - including the "create" command and, apparently, the maximizer - requires that option to be set.
If you go into the Coinmaster frame, is the DInsey face paint greyed out? Does it say you have 9 FunFunds?
I'm out of ideas. Dnsey face paint is a "potion" and there is no code in KoLmafia that I can see that restricts "potion" usage for Vampyres - unlike food and drink.

OK. One more thing for you to try. Buy a Dinsey face paint with the Coinmaster (or browser). Have it in inventory. Does it show up in the Maximizer?

I have four Standard runs to finish. When I am done, I will try a Hardcore Big run. If I can reproduce this with that - like Dark Gyffte, it is out of Standard and I thus can get to DInseylandfill - I'll investigate. If it happens ONLY in Dark Gyffte, I am unlikely to be able to figure out your issue, since I do not intend to ever do another Dark Gyffte run.
I just realized what was causing my problem. When in aftercore, "On hand" will show the item even if I don't have it in my inventory, but when in ronin or HC I have to select 'creatable'. Very sorry about this.
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If wanted you can choose whether to always consider non equipment creations as on hand, for precisely this reason, in Preferences -> General -> Maximizer.

It was done this way as there were conflicting user desires regarding it, so the status quo was made default, but the option was added.

Status quo was to consider non equipment creations as on hand in aftercore, but not in run.