matcher issue

I finally figured out that the character in question has 0 permanent skills. So I looked around, and I found #13 (Mr. Skullhead), who fit the bill. Space in his name, no permanent skills, and the script failed on him also. It worked on every other account that I tested that has permanent Skills. I could not find a player who PVP's, and has not ascended. Not to say one doesn't exist, just that I have not found one as of this post.

Interesting edge case, My never ascended character has some permanent skills because they were marked as such when the skill granting item was used. That said it seems like a new character could have a space, break the stone and avoid using items that autoperm so you could generate a test multi if that was your thing.
Interesting edge case, My never ascended character has some permanent skills because they were marked as such when the skill granting item was used. That said it seems like a new character could have a space, break the stone and avoid using items that autoperm so you could generate a test multi if that was your thing.

I don't think the space in the name really mattered. It was something that had created an issue in the past, so I was just ruling it out. When I wrote the script originally, I had no idea that it would look at both clan names. Then I ran into an issue, where I couldn't get into a clan that I thought I should have. That's when I noticed the html printout from kol is the same for both instances, hence the script is how it is now.

I should test the theory of the permed skill. See if that truly is the issue.
I was working on this script again today, and noticed that the only time you can see "Permanent Skills" when you are looking at your own profile. I figured out that the script was looking for people who had broken their hippy stone, and had 2 clans listed on their profile. The script was looking for a second clan name, and when it couldn't find it, would cause an error, but worked just fine when it DID find the second clan name (even if the same name was listed).

My work around for this was to simply look to check the player profile for PvP Allegiance, and run one matcher, if it doesn't exist, run another.