New Content March 2022 IoTM - Grey Gosling


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10895 grey gosling 802522606 greygosling.gif grow t 0
Item grey gosling Free Pull
After putting the Grey Gosling in the terrarium it turns into a Grey Goose and after the character took it from the terrarium it gained weight.
use 1 grey gosling

familiar Grey Goose (6 lbs)
On the first encounter with the Grey Goose equipped there were new skills
Round 1: From what you can see in Nanite Configuration 4821549's crystal ball, it looks like if you stick around here you're going to run into a P imp.
7413 Convert Matter to Pomade greygosesk5.gif 5 0 0
7413 Convert Matter to Pomade greygosesk5.gif 5 0 0
7412 Convert Matter to Energy greygoosesk4.gif 5 0 0
7412 Convert Matter to Energy greygoosesk4.gif 5 0 0
7411 Convert Matter to Protein greygoosesk3.gif 5 0 0
7411 Convert Matter to Protein greygoosesk3.gif 5 0 0
7410 Emit Matter Duplicating Drones greygoosesk6.gif 5 0 0
7410 Emit Matter Duplicating Drones greygoosesk6.gif 5 0 0
7409 Meatify Matter greygoosesk2.gif 5 0 0
7409 Meatify Matter greygoosesk2.gif 5 0 0
7408 Re-Process Matter greygoosesk1.gif 5 0 0
7408 Re-Process Matter greygoosesk1.gif 5 0 0
On using Convert Matter to Pomade the character got +16 moxie and all of the combat skills seem to have vanished the familiar also dropped in weight by four pounds. Maybe usable once per day? Nope. After gaining a pound the skills returned. It seems that a weight above ten pounds is required.

Convert Matter to Protein with the familiar at 11 pounds granted +1 muscle and the familiar dropped back to ten pounds in weight.

Convert Matter to Energy with the familiar at 11 pounds granted +1 mysticality and the familiar dropped back to ten pounds in weight.

Emit Matter Duplicating Drone at 11 pounds, against a mad wino resulted in this:

Nanite Configuration 4821549 moves as though a collective consciousness is attempting to mimic dance through the quick reorganization of tiny grey particles.
Psychotic Train wine
You acquire an item: Psychotic Train wine [drink]
One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the Psychotic Train wine and then transforms into an exact replica. That was the last drone.
Psychotic Train wine
You acquire an item: Psychotic Train wine [drink]
pie man was not meant to eat
You acquire an item: pie man was not meant to eat
Meatify Matter at 11 pounds resulted in the following:
Nanite Configuration 4821549 detaches a big chunk of itself, slaps it onto your opponent's body part, and atomically reconfigures the whole mess into Meat.
You gain 1 Meat.
And the familiar dropped back to ten pounds in weight.

Reprocess Matter at 13 pounds resulted in the following:
Nanite Configuration 4821549 launches almost all of its body mass at your foe. The blob careens off of him and then reforms into an identical copy, which is so surprised to exist that it immediately keels over.
Your nanites vibrate as they absorb the creature. It must have had a lot of potential energy!
You gain 10 Adventures.
And the familiar dropped to 6 pounds in weight.
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Looks like nobody has worked on this yet; I don't even see the skills in the database.
OK. I'll experiment today and get the skills in and deal with dropping the familiar's base weight for skills.
I have thousands of sacks of Ghost Dog Chow
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I discovered an odd thing in the GameInformPowerDailyPro Dungeon. Most of the item drops will be ignored by the duplication drones. However, the fat loot token will be copied by a duplication drone.
I added the skills, familiar weight tracking, add/remove combat skills based on weight, and once-per-day for the meat skill.

The only thing that is not done is tracking goose absorptions in the Grey You path.
In order to do that, I need a DEBUG log (to see whether goose absorptions are on your Char Sheet).
I mentioned that on the Grey You thread when somebody asked whether we tracked them.
I think I'll mark this content "done" and continue discussion on the Grey You thread.
It's been pointed out that we need some sort of Drone tracking.
I can work on that on my own.

I'd like to recognize a Grey Goose Absorption, but, since I am done with Grey You, I cannot work on that on my own.
If somebody who IS on the path can get me a DEBUG log of the Grey Goose duplicating & absorbing, I'll be able to write a Test and work on that issue, too.

Thanks in advance.
_meatifyMatterUsed is properly getting set and reset, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on $skill[Meatify Matter].dailylimit. Probably because that one is -1, aka, unlimited.
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Here's the debug log of the Grey Goose using the drones and both an initial encounter with an albino bat and a second where Re-Process Matter was used. The file, even as a ZIP archive is too large to post so I put it up on Dropbox. May I also make a plea, when your working on this to incorporate the Grey You Council quest text into your update? If you're unable to get the file from Dropbox please let me know what your preferred mechanism would be.


That file is only 72,000 lines. I got it from Dropbox. Thanks!

I'll see what I can do with the quest text. I've never actually dealt with tthat before. How hard can it be? :)

(By the way - I have Drones support ready to go in my PR. I think you gave me all that is left for Grey Goose and Grey You? Thanks again.)
This PR does this:

- The "gooseDronesRemaining" property tracks how many drones are currently active. Since unused drones carry over between fights, regardless of which familiar you have out, I assume they carry over across rollover. If that is untrue, tell me please, and I'll make it an "_" property.
- Recognizes when you absorb a monster at the end of a combat and registers it.
This means the "absorptions" command will pick it up. I do not track whether you got the absorption from the skill or from the "normal" end of combat absorption, since the Character Sheet doesn't distinguish; if you log in again, we have no way of knowing whether you've absorbed once or twice.
- Incorporates Magus_Prime's council messages for Grey You quest tracking.

This PR does this:

- The "gooseDronesRemaining" property tracks how many drones are currently active.
It looks like there's a tracking issue for when more than one drone is created in a fight and at least one gets used immediately in the fight. Maybe only when Emit Drones is used in the middle of a combat macro?

[2877] Your Witchess Set
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: left-handed, huge, lazy, askew, wet Witchess Knight
Round 2: the erosionseeker casts EMIT MATTER DUPLICATING DRONES!
Round 3: 9 bits of goo emerge from Honkai Impact Thucydides and begin hovering about, moving probingly around various objects.
Round 13: the erosionseeker wins the fight!
You acquire an item: jumping horseradish
After Battle: One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the jumping horseradish and then transforms into an exact replica. 8 more drones are still circling around.
You acquire an item: jumping horseradish

Mafia reported 9 drones remaining at the end of this fight.
At the end of the next fight, the pref adjusted to the game-stated value correctly. Doesn't occur if you already had drones active.

Additionally, it seems like sometimes drone tracking completely stops working, here's what it looks like normally:

After Battle: Honkai Impact Thucydides does a weird dance-like movement.
You acquire an item: jumping horseradish
After Battle: One of the matter duplicating drones seems to coalesce around the jumping horseradish and then transforms into an exact replica. 4 more drones are still circling around.
You acquire an item: jumping horseradish

When it stops tracking:

After Battle: You hear a loud schlurrrrrk! noise, and turn to see Salty Spittoonia sucking the liquid out of a bottle of Lushmills he found somewhere. (37% full)
You acquire an item: jumping horseradish
You acquire an item: jumping horseradish

When this happens, gooseDronesRemaining stops decrementing even when KoL displays "...transforms into an exact replica. That was the last drone."

Tested with multiple different duplicated items and had the same issue. Might be an issue with Melodramedary only? Drones decremented correctly with Pocket Professor active instead.
You are going to have to supply a debug log.
With the ones I created myself, the unit tests worked perfectly.
I need a debug log that can produce a failure in my tests in order to think about this.
Actually, I reproduced it myself.

It is, literally, particular to the Melodramadery. Its image is composed of three images.
And KoL sticks that image in front of the the drone message - even though it is not marked as a familiarmessage, unlike other places it so-includes the image.
We never really handled that issue before. There are probably other messages which were also missing.

Now I have test HTML and can reproduce it - and verify that the fix works and doesn't break other things.