New Content - Implemented March 2016 IOTM - Witchess Set

I would feel better about it if the puzzle solver were a script you had to add, rather than a built-in feature - even if it's only on with puzzle solutions visible.

If you do make it built in, I would at minimum request that it not be something that automatically shows the correct solution, a la hunt the wumpus. A button like with the volcano maze that just says 'solve' would be preferable.
Laserrobotics, its nice that you agree with us. Though if you had read the last few posts you would see that there are a couple of other hoops that Veracity has chosen to jump through since it would only be a KoL-developer approved solution behind an opt-in gate.
From HotStuff (#59035) [reply] [quoted]
Date: Monday, March 07, 2016, 03:18AM

> We've been discussing Witchess. And we are considering adding a "Solve" button to the page where you offer a Witchess puzzle.
> There are a couple of ways to do this:
> 1) Hardcode a list of solutions, based on puzzle #.
> 2) Write a generic solver, using Computer Science, which will generate a solution. That would actually be a Fun programming challenge.
> In either case, we'd put the Solve button under an explicit "give me spoilers for puzzles in the browser" preference.
> Riff says that that would be enough for him, but he couldn't speak for you.
> What is your opinion? We really really do not want to demoralize KoL devs and make them unwilling to make new Witchess puzzles, which are quite fun to figure out on your own - even if repeating them so you can get the daily buff is not so much fun, and is hence worthy of some help.

I know that folks are just going to look up solutions to puzzles, and having a "Solve" button is just the friendliest way of doing that. It makes me a little sad that some folks will just press it instead of trying to figure things out on their own, but to each his or her own.

One thing I'd like to point out, though -- under no circumstances should you ever be forced to *repeat* a puzzle -- once it's been solved we shouldn't be showing it to you again for your daily challenge. When you hit the end of our list of puzzles you should just get the buff without having to solve anything.

We might eventually put in some optional additional puzzles (designed by the community or algorithmically or something), but they won't be required to get the buff once you've maxed it out.
That is interesting information! Even across ascensions?
You know, if it's really each puzzle only once ever per character, why bother doing a solver?
That is kind of odd, considering that the message it gives about solved puzzles states that you've already solved them today. If they don't show up after the day you solve them anyways, why specify?
That is kind of odd, considering that the message it gives about solved puzzles states that you've already solved them today. If they don't show up after the day you solve them anyways, why specify?

In case you don't solve the puzzles in order it is nice to know that you already solved that one. Since it is still there for your perusal until the end of the day.
A very interesting discussion. I agree there's much less of a motivation for a solver when you don't have to keep solving the same puzzle. I personally don't want to try and write an efficient solution tester for those Tetris pieces and normally I love writing puzzle solvers.
The emphasis was on the word "today", though. If you'll only ever see a message at all if you've solved it that day, and the puzzle itself will never show up on future days once solved, it seems useless to specify that it's already been solved today.
Thought I'd add consumption data on the Witchess consumables, so they can stop being sorted to the bottom of my consumables list. Jumping horseradish and Sacramento wine are both:
1 fullness/drunk (as appropriate)
5-6 adventures
10-30 each substat

Based on spading by greycat as reported in the KoL forums, but also matches my personal consumption experience.

Armored prawn (like most new spleen items) only gives the effect and the spleen hit. No stats or adventures.
Armored prawn (like most new spleen items) only gives the effect and the spleen hit. No stats or adventures.

Wiki says Armored prawn gives stats. Are you sure that is wrong? I'll eventually check it myself if you don't know.
Wiki says Armored prawn gives stats. Are you sure that is wrong? I'll eventually check it myself if you don't know.

Just used one:

You gain 75 Fortitude.
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain 43 Enchantedness.
You gain 65 Roguishness.

My sign is The Vole, and I have Red Menace effect active, so my gains are a little skewed... but yeah, it gives stats.
The emphasis was on the word "today", though. If you'll only ever see a message at all if you've solved it that day, and the puzzle itself will never show up on future days once solved, it seems useless to specify that it's already been solved today.

No, you don't get the buff until you've solved all available puzzles for today.
I'm trying to write a script to automate five witchess piece fights per day, but I'm having trouble making it work. First, some info about the choice adventures:

witchess set from campground:

Witchess set:
choice.php?whichchoice=1181&option=1 Examine the shrink ray (fight witchess pieces)
choice.php?whichchoice=1181&option=2 Play Witchess (coming soon)
choice.php?whichchoice=1181&option=3 Flip through the book of puzzles
choice.php?whichchoice=1181&option=4 Leave

Play against the Witchess Pieces:
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1935 Pawn
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1936 Knight
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1942 Bishop
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1938 Rook
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1937 Ox
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1940 ing
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1941 Witch
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=1&piece=1939 Queen
choice.php?whichchoice=1182&option=2 Back to the Witchess Set

The options are actually arranged like "choice.php?option=1&pwd&whichchoice=1182&piece=1936", but I can't tell if that ordering actually matters.

My attempted script follows:
if(get_property("_witchess")=="") {
while(get_property("_witchess")<1) {
Its output:
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
Countdown: 2 seconds...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Encounter: Witchess Set
Encounter: Witchess Set
Encounter: Play against the Witchess Pieces
It seems to get to the picking a piece page, but not interact with that page properly to actually initiate a fight. The number of available witchess piece fights never changes.
I will attempt to lay it out even more clearly.

1)You will see a message about having solved a puzzle if you are looking at it on the day you solved it.
2)You will not ever see a message about having solved a puzzle on some prior day, because you will not see the puzzle in question.
3)Entirely separate to this discussion, you will see a message granting you a buff once you solve all 5 puzzles on a specific day.

The message in #1 uses the word 'today', seemingly implying that it's possible to see a puzzle you have solved on a previous day which would give a different message. The fact that #2 is true (from what people are telling me) renders using the word 'today' meaningless. #3 would be relevant to the discussion if I were questioning the usefulness of the message as a whole, rather than the usage of the word 'today'.
Something is wrong with the ox-head shield. When I maximize for anything it is good at (HP, DR...) the maximizer will choose anything other than the shield. That makes no sense to me since KoLmafia knows what it can do. When I'm wearing it already, the maximizer proposes removing the ox-head shield, even though it has a negative number for the result. It is purposefully avoiding it for some reason. Is "never fumble" being interpreted as a bad thing or something bizarre like that?

Using "dump" I see that the ox-head shield isn't even on the list of items considered for slot 2. WTF?