New Content - Implemented Mar 2023 IOTM: closed-circuit phone system


Staff member
This is fun. I might even have my multis buy it.

Ryo_Sangnoir and I have already done a bunch for it, but there's a fair amount left.

1) There are six artifacts. They are all in items.txt. They are quest items.
- I wonder if you can get more than one a particular item by spending an extra 11 turns to see the Shadow Labyrinth again before turning the artifact in for the reward?
The answer to that will determine whether we show stats/effect or artifact in the appropriate choice spoiler
- They don't look like they'd have unusual plurals.

2) The Shadow Forge will let you craft 9 new items.
- lastShadowForgeUnlockAdventure is turn where you visited the forge
- We have a SHADOW_FORGE crafting method.
- You can craft things as long as you have not spent an adventure since opening the forge.
- That means you can pull or buy ingredients if you want to create a particular item but are missing ingredients
- I bet that shadow trousers have a special plural
- There is a food, a booze, and a spleen item
They are all currently marked Unspaded in fullness, inebriety, and spleenhit

I made and ate a shadow hot dog in-run today after completing my 11 free Shadow Rift turns, using feel envy and Fondeluge to force items to drop.

You place the dark hot dog in your mouth and it vanishes. Your stomach churns.
You gain 6 Adventures.
You gain 13 Beefiness.
You gain 15 Enchantedness.
You gain 13 Sarcasm.
You gain 1 Fullness.

Not as good as Cookbookbat food, but not too shabby.

I'll free the King tomorrow with plenty of organ space available and will spade some more.

3) There are six shadow bosses. I spent a lot of turns yesterday getting all the factoids, so I got to see their characteristics.
- They are all in monsters.txt with what Manuel reports for them.
- like regular Shadow creatures, they scale up as you adventure
- We need the Atk/Def/HP formulae for that scaling - as well as for regular shadow creatures.
- I guess we should mark them as BOSS monsters?
- Orrery reflects spells, matrix rearranges itself to avoid physical attacks, scythe can insta-kill you, and so on. I don't think we have a way to record all those characteristics.

4) You get 11 Turns of Shadow Affinity the first time you accept a quest from Rufus
- This means 11 free turns through a Shadow Rift.
- I see it count down after a fight.
- Does it count down if you do not adventure in a Shadow Rift? Hopefully not, but I did not try it.
- Can you extend it with a PYEC or other means?
- If it does not count down outside of a rift, do we handle that correctly? Probably; we refresh concoctions from charpane or api.
- need a property to track whether you've gotten Shadow Affinity yet today

5) Speaking of quests, you have 3 choices. You can have one active at a time
- fight a boss
- find an artifact
- retrieve mundane shadow items
- We need to parse interacting with him and save which boss/artifact/items he seeks in properties
(This will be useful for scripts, so they don't have to parse.)
- You don't have to accept a quest. If you call him again, does he offer different quests?
(If so, we clear those properties.)
- If you accept a quest, save type & target in other properties.
- His quest appears in the charpane and in the questlog. We should do Quest tracking
unstarted -> started (accepted) -> step1 (achieved goal) -> finished

6) You can visit the forest using Rufus's shadow lodestone. That will give a bunch of items.
- Can they be any shadow items, or just ones from the last rift you went through?
I did this yesterday and got 2 sausage, 2 bread, and 3 fluid, corresponding to bat, guy, orb.
Those are the 3 monsters from the Castle in the Clouds rift - the last one I went through.
I bet you can go through the rift of your choice with lodestone and get items from there. Sweet!
- You can do this once a day. I think. We need a property for tracking whether you've gone to the forest yet.

7) We add choice spoilers to the Shadow Labyrinth. Currently, they will show both the stats or effect and the artifact that Rufus might be looking for.
- We should only show an artifact if you are actually looking for one, and only the specific one you are looking for.
4) You get 11 Turns of Shadow Affinity the first time you accept a quest from Rufus
- This means 11 free turns through a Shadow Rift.
- I see it count down after a fight.
- Does it count down if you do not adventure in a Shadow Rift? Hopefully not, but I did not try it.
- Can you extend it with a PYEC or other means?
- If it does not count down outside of a rift, do we handle that correctly? Probably; we refresh concoctions from charpane or api.
- need a property to track whether you've gotten Shadow Affinity yet today
It can be extended with a PYEC. It may only appear when you accept an entity or artifact quest; I have had it not appear when you select a mundane shadow items quest (but appear later). It doesn't appear to decrement outside the rift (other than from natural combat completion) even when fighting shadow monsters.

I would find it personally useful if we saved all prospective quests if you enter and then exit the noncombat, but a script can always regexp the page if need.
1) There are six artifacts. They are all in items.txt. They are quest items.
- I wonder if you can get more than one a particular item by spending an extra 11 turns to see the Shadow Labyrinth again before turning the artifact in for the reward?
The answer to that will determine whether we show stats/effect or artifact in the appropriate choice spoiler
- They don't look like they'd have unusual plurals.
I gave this a shot with the quest for the Shadow Lighter, but rather than receiving a second lighter I got substats.
- You don't have to accept a quest. If you call him again, does he offer different quests?
(If so, we clear those properties.)
Unaccepted quests remain the same when hanging up and calling again.
Unaccepted quests remain the same across rollover and accepted quests stay in the quest log across rollover as well.
6) You can visit the forest using Rufus's shadow lodestone. That will give a bunch of items.
- Can they be any shadow items, or just ones from the last rift you went through?
That's right, the Forest option gives items specifically from the rift you last went through.
4) You get 11 Turns of Shadow Affinity the first time you accept a quest from Rufus
5) Speaking of quests, you have 3 choices. You can have one active at a time
- fight a boss
- find an artifact
- retrieve mundane shadow items
- We need to parse interacting with him and save which boss/artifact/items he seeks in properties
(This will be useful for scripts, so they don't have to parse.)
- You don't have to accept a quest. If you call him again, does he offer different quests?
(If so, we clear those properties.)
- If you accept a quest, save type & target in other properties.
- His quest appears in the charpane and in the questlog. We should do Quest tracking
unstarted -> started (accepted) -> step1 (achieved goal) -> finished
You only get Shadow Affinity if you accept the artifact or boss quests, not the mundane shadow items.
Preference lastEncounter changed from shadow scythe to Calling Rufus Back
Encounter:    Calling Rufus Back
You acquire an item: Rufus's shadow lodestone
Preference    questRufus changed from step1 to unstarted
Preference rufusQuestType    changed from entity to
Preference rufusQuestTarget changed from shadow    scythe to
Preference lastEncounter changed from Calling Rufus Back to    Calling Rufus
Encounter: Calling Rufus
Preference rufusDesiredEntity    changed from to shadow scythe
Preference rufusDesiredArtifact changed    from to shadow snowflake
Preference rufusDesiredItems changed from to    shadow skin
You acquire an effect: Shadow Affinity (11)
Preference    rufusQuestType changed from to artifact
Preference rufusQuestTarget    changed from to shadow snowflake
Preference questRufus changed from    unstarted to started
Preference rufusDesiredEntity changed from shadow    scythe to
Preference rufusDesiredArtifact changed from shadow snowflake    to
Preference rufusDesiredItems changed from shadow skin to

[997057] Shadow Rift (Mt. McLargeHuge)
Preference lastEncounter changed from Poetic Justice to Like a Loded Stone
Encounter: Like a Loded Stone
Preference questRufus changed from started to unstarted
You acquire an effect: Shadow Waters (30)

questRufus should not be changed when encountering the Like a Loded Stone non-combat. Visiting the quest log set it back to started (correctly).
That is fixed in r27281.

I think support for the new content supplied by this IOTM is (almost) complete now.

1) When you visit Rufus and he tells you his current tasks, we store them in properties:

rufusDesiredEntity - shadow {matrix, orrery, cauldron, spire, scythe, tongue}
rufusDesiredArtifact - shadow {lighter, snowflake, wave, heart, bucket, heptahedron}
rufusDesiredItems - shadow {sausage, skin, flame, bread, ice, fluid, glass, brick, sinew, venom, nectar, stick}

2) When you accept a quest, we clear those properties and set others:

questRufus - started (or step1, if you selected items and already have them).
rufusQuestType - {entity, artifact, items}
rufusQuestTarget - shadow matrix or shadow bucket or shadow sinew (for example).

3) When you kill the monster, get the artifact, or acquire 3 of the desired item, started -> step1
3a) (If you closet items, say, it can go from step1 -> started)

4) KoL puts this info in the quest log, which we parse and use to set properties.

5) When you call Rufus back and report success, questRufus -> unstarted.

6) The shadow bosses all have scaling Atk/Def/HP/Elem formulas which depend on the "_shadowRiftCombats" property.

7) If you are seeking an artifact, our choice spoilers for the Shadow Labyrinth show you which option has it.

8) Rufus will give you 11 turns of Shadow Affinity when you accept his first quest. We track this in "_shadowAffinityToday".

9) Once a day you can follow Rufus's Shadow Lodestone into a forest and get 8 or 9 items. We track this in "_shadowForestLooted"

10) Multiple times per day you can follow Rufus's Shadow Lodestone the The Shadow Forge. This is a creation method. You can go back to it repeatedly (via visit_url or "create" or the creatables tab, etc; in the browser you can use chat commands, but there is nothing in the main frame that will take you there.) You can only return if you have not used an adventures since you last visited. We track the adventure you opened it in "lastShadowForgeUnlockAdventure".

To do:

1) The shadow bosses should be marked as BOSS

Anything else we are missing?
We probably need to change the container zone of the rifts out of "Event" since they're now granted permanent access by this IotM
They shadow bosses are now BOSS and FREE.
The container zone "Shadow Rift" is now a top-level zone.

I think that is it for content introduced by this IOTM which is not discussed in a different New Content thread here.
I'm marking this Implemented.

(I've enjoyed this enough that four of my multis bought this IOTM. For two of them, it was only the second, after Spacegate.)
Rufus quest tracking doesn't update the item requested if we have the item requested. And we don't know what item was requested.

This is only relevant for April Fools & playing turns outside of mafia (or corrupted prefs, and so on)
Aka, April Fools `salad` broke the tracking. Visiting the quest log doesn't fix the tracking because I already have the item requested.

Call Rufus and tell him you've got the 3 handfuls of shadow venom he wanted.

The code in question