mall_price() oddities


I'm seeing a situation where some items are returning a mall_price that is below the mall minimum.
e.g. mall_price($item[herbs]) returns 64 and mall_price($item[anti-anti-antidote]) returns 30

I believe it is returning the price from the NPC stores. Is this intended behavior, is it a bug, or is something wrong on my end?

I'm using KoLmafia-12216.jar on Windows XP SP3


Staff member
That is the price that you will pay for the item if you use buy(), since KoLmafia will get it from the NPC store.

Which is to say, it is intended behavior.


That is the price that you will pay for the item if you use buy(), since KoLmafia will get it from the NPC store.

Which is to say, it is intended behavior.

Okay, I was expecting mall_price() to only consider mall prices and not NPC prices as well. Thank you for the clarification.

Edit: So, I've been looking at this some more and doesn't npc_price() give you the price of an item from the NPC stores? Why do we need mall_price() to return NPC store prices? Also, the wiki probably needs to be updated since it says mall_price()
Returns the current mall price of the given item, ignoring the first five items listed to compensate for stores with limits and min-priced sales.
It doesn't say anything about returning NPC store prices.
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