Mall script to find below market prices on items


New member
I apologize if this script exists, but what I'm looking for is a script that will find items that are priced far below the market value.

For example, if you search for Hell Ramen now, you will see TheSatanicMechanic has Hell Ramen for sale for 100 meat.

Occasionally other stores offer hi meins for 100 meat as well. I bet there's other deals out there I'm missing too.

So, is there a script that will scour the mall for items that are being sold for far below their market value?

You're asking if there's a script to turn mafia into a mallbot, and the answer is no. There's specific code in place to stop you from doing things like the above.
There is a way: buy one of each item in the mall, and put it in your store if it didn't cost 100 meat!