Feature - Implemented [Mall Purchase error]More elaboration, please


Purchasing *** (45 @ ***)...
Requests complete.

Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 45, got 0)

Tried in native. Turns out the person blocked me.

That player will not sell to you, because you are on his or her ignore list.
<center><center><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="95%"><tbody><tr><td style="color: white;" align="center" bgcolor="blue"><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tbody><tr><td>That player will not sell to you, because you are on his or her ignore list.</td></tr></tbody></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height="4"></td></tr></tbody></table></center></center></div>
<div class="jumplinks"><a href="#searchresults" accesskey="2">Jump to Search Results</a></div><center>



Purchasing dusty bottle of Pinot Noir (1 @ 288)...
You are on this shop's ignore list (#1550967). Skipping...
Requests complete.

Desired purchase quantity not reached (wanted 1, got 0)


This actually happened to me once. I was so puzzled about why I couldn't buy from a certain store.

When I figured out the reason I was even more puzzled to discover that I was baleeted! To this day I have no idea why I was blocked, let alone by someone with whom I never had any interaction.


Staff member
This actually happened to me once. I was so puzzled about why I couldn't buy from a certain store.

When I figured out the reason I was even more puzzled to discover that I was baleeted! To this day I have no idea why I was blocked, let alone by someone with whom I never had any interaction.

A long time ago I was blocked from a store because I had purchased the same item in several successive transactions. I received an message from the store owner declaring that I was a bot and that my kind was not welcome at that store. I remain amused.


Sorry to necro this thread, but that message string doesn't seem to be saved to the KoL Session Logs. I'd like to reciprocate the sentiment and block the random knobs who have blocked me.




Active member
Pretty easy to do, though I'd say it's a bit of a dubious use case.

I don't parse session logs, is there a particular format this message should take in order to appear consistent with other log entries?


Staff member
There is one particular store that I have encountered with several multis recently. Apparently, all the low-priced stuff they put there was not supposed to be bought; if you visit the store and trouble to read the store text, there was a message saying, in effect, "I realize I have all this stuff in here at a low price, but I don't want anybody to actually buy it for a month. If you buy it before I say it's OK, I will baleet you. But if you don't buy anything, then, when I finally say it is OK, you can buy stuff from me at that time."

- If you buy from KoLmafia, you never see the store text, and he/she/it will baleet you.
- If you buy from the Mall Search results, you never see the store thread and he/she/it will baleet you.
- If you actually entered the store and didn't waste your time reading the message, he/she/it will baleet you.

I have seen enough racist/sexist/obscene messages posted in store entrance messages, that I NEVER read what they have to say.

The result is, I have several multis who try to buy ingredients all the time from this moron. KoLmafia detects the failure and moves on to the next store. I wouldn't mind saving a server hit and not bothering trying again.

As far as reciprocating and blocking him, I shrug. I offer stuff for sale at a particular price and his/hers/its Meat is as good as anybody else's. I never look at my own store logs to see who bought stuff from me. I really could not care less.


Staff member
Their only goal was to deal with a stupid PvP mini, and they have since emptied their /ignore list, so their actions seem completely rational. Given the negative response to that mini, I doubt it will be a real issue again.


Staff member
Ah, so it was a PVP thing? I stopped paying any attention to PVP after I finished season 2. Stopped playing altogether, actually. You are saying that a season 3 PVP mini required you to mess with your mall store?

I guess I'll have to move the "moron" label to whomever came up with that idea on the dev team, then.


Active member
I think it was set up so that you needed to have as many items as possible that were cheaper than everyone else or something similar. No idea since I generally eschew pvp in any game :)


It was most different mall items under 999 meat in the Mall.

I imagine the intention was that it'd get lesser traded items cheaper than normal, and open up some trade. The idea of people buying out their opponent before attacking was probably entertaining.

Unfortunately, by baleeting people you could stop them buying, and there are an awful lot of tradeable items, without a great interface for stocking them, so people either didn't do it or they scripted it.

Incidentally, Winterbay, I think that joke could be continued :

Wife: Why are the police at the door?
Man: Because I only bought 1...


Ahhh. I didn't realize this behavior was part of the PvP season.

Thanks to all for the insight and the humorous quips. :)