
So, I have four KoL directories, Primary, Ascending, AfterCore, Merchant When ever there is a new KoL jar file I download it into Primary, then I have short cuts to the primary Kol.Jar from the others with the run in folder set to that specific folder, this allows me to customize everything according to task any way....

Ever since the mall update my Ascending Directory has given me an empty Mall page with the single word "DEPRECATED", all the other ones work fine, so it has to be some kind of data file or script... but I Removed all the files from my Relay and script directories and it still occurs.
You sure that's not a greasemonkey script? I know I had to update Tard's Framework myself to link to the mall.
I am pretty sure that I am not using any grease monkey scripts, and I am using the same browser for all of them so I think that even if I am running some GM script without realizing it it would not work for all of them...
I am pretty sure that I am not using any grease monkey scripts, and I am using the same browser for all of them so I think that even if I am running some GM script without realizing it it would not work for all of them...

If that browser is Firefox, please try disabling greasemonkey. Then let us know if you still see the problem.

Also, please let us know how you get to the "Deprecated" page. Is this from clicking the link "mall" in the top pane or is there another method you use?
Haha, I'm sorry,
It was from a relay script called topmenu.ash, and I didn't realize it earlier because I F5ed earlier instead of Shift-F5ed
If I may add to this conversation. I've been having this problem, too. I went through my Greasemonkey scripts, and lo and behold - the culprit: Mr. Script.

So, in a drunken blur, I went through all the options in Mr. Script's Choicetastic Optionarium. (This is accessible through the "Options" link at the top pane, and then look for the tab with a monkey {MONKEEEY!} and cymbals.) There, almost in the middle of your first set of choices will be an option, "Mall Link -> Search." Turn this from "On" to "Off."

Yay and Veracity, the mall reappears.

tossed out of the golden playpen
For what it's worth, if anyone is using clump's update of framework script, the mall search tab is broken, there are two places in the script that states "searchmall.php" (lines 4478 and 4749), changing it to "mall.php" fixes the mall search tab.
I had to stop using Framework. Sorry I can't be of more help (especially to you, clump, if you're reading this), but Framework has a massive memory leak of some kind. Using that script, Firefox (all versions) managed to consume upwards of two gigabytes of RAM at the end of my Loathing sessions. The moment I cut out Framework, Firefox used just under two hundred megabytes of RAM. And I agree with slyz - darned shame - I loved that script too.

if they don't take away your passion with the color tv set
Framework does work, though it has the memory leak, and lately for me, it make huge frames for no apparent reason. I grew to used to it to stop using, and the memory leak problem doesn't affect me as I only ever use the relay browser when ascending or for a few minutes.
Ugh, I just looked at it, what a mess! I can see why people would say it's broken beyond repair. Inserting the entire prototype.js library as a script block in each page :confused: A third-party solution for URLencode instead of using the native encodeURIComponent() function :( Not to mention the only thing GreaseMonkey is being leveraged for is removing the frames and inserting a huge chunk of javascript in each page (then letting the javascript handle things from there).
Yeah, the idea of basically the entire script being stored remotely and loaded from there for execution every time is what made me stop using it years ago.
I like the frameless UI, but I am guessing it does other things (I think I see some choice adventure handling stuff). Is the main reason people use this because of the UI? It might be possible to strip it back and just get that from it...
Ya know, it'd be nice (but probably unreasonable at this point) if KoL could just do a frameless facelift. Would also make it a good deal easier to "skin" KoL for easier use on phones and such. Ah, well.
I quite like the frames, makes a wonderful change to all the annoying iframes all over the rest of the internet.
Winterbay, you're begging the question: since when were "regular frames" or "iframes" the only options?

They are not, but almost all sites that use some kind of way to split the site up into parts do it in a way that is a lot more obnoxious than the frames used by kol and that make it a lot harder to, for example, print parts of a website.
Winterbay, you're begging the question
I think this is the first time I see someone using "begging the question" in the intended way. I always saw how it shouldn't be used, but I was still wondering how exactly it should be used.
