Feature - Implemented Make "dmg percent" == "damage percent" in maximizer

I've never paid much attention to Mafia's maximization of spell damage before. Today I wanted to specifically maximize spell damage percent (not flat spell damage bonus). I knew that, for instance, "hot dmg" == "hot damage", so I tried "spell dmg percent". Which failed. It took me a while to figure out that "spell damage percent" works.

The same thing goes for weapon damage; "weapon damage percent" works, but "weapon dmg percent" doesn't.

I think the two pairs of terms should work equivalently, especially since the maximizer help page says "[...] damage can be abbreviated as dmg," but doesn't call out these exceptions. This wouldn't add any functionality, but it'd make things less confusing for maximizer n00bs like me.
What does the "Dungeon Master's Guide" have to do with the Maximizer?
Next thing you know, you'll be wanting "phb percent" - or even "srd percent"!
OH my. It's been long enough since I played AD&D that I actually had to think about that for a moment. There was a time...
Relevant code in Evaluator:
				else if ( keyword.endsWith( " dmg" ) )
					keyword = keyword.substring( 0, keyword.length() - 3 ) + "damage";

(it also does res+istance and exp+erience, mus*/mys*/mox*, fites, and other shorthands including some I didn't know about: "all resistance" and "elemental damage" for repeating the 5 elements (but no "elemental spell damage"), main*, ocrs, ...)

I guess replacing " dmg " with " damage " is possible. Would it break anything?
I assume that was additional to current handling.

Yes. Because I want to replace "hot dmg" or "weapon dmg percent" but not ... something I can't imagine right now ... "your dmguide understanding level"?