Mafia vs. Windows XP SP3?

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New member
I have a very strong feeling this isn't Mafia related... but I figure I'll mention it in case someone wiser has had this issue and was able to fix it. (I've even posted the problem on, but the thread died, and with it my hopes.)

I typically run Firefox as my default browser. I was running KoLMafia 12.5 when I realised that SP3 came out. I formatted my hard drive and installed XP Pro clean, with SP3. Unfortunately, now whenever I use the "Load in Web Browser" button, it opens up in IE. This also means whenever I want to pull up an item's wiki page from Mafia, my firewall shoots off fireworks announcing that IE is not allowed to access the internet (as I've told it to do so), instead of just seeing the page pop up in Firefox. Before the re-install, Firefox was always the browser of choice, and IE never reared its ugly head.

I have since set my default browser to Firefox, both in Firefox's options and also in Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Set Program Access & Defaults. The kind folks at annoyances suggested a program I could download that would change registry values to ensure that Firefox is my default browser (which, when I ran the program, said that it was already the default). So, nothing's worked.

Like I mentioned, I really don't think it's a Mafia problem, and I naturally suspect the eeeevil MS. But if anyone else has had this issue and was able to correct it, I'd be most grateful if you could pass that information along.


Edit: I ran 12.5 until this problem arose. Then I sought out the daily builds and have used 6217 and 6234 (current) with no change in browser preferences. (I typically only use the daily builds when something is wrong with the official release or I have too many new items that need to be updated.)
It sounds like that fixed it for you, just for the sake of completeness for someone who might search the forums with similar problems you might have to spell out the full path to it, I had that issue after upgrading to the latest version of firefox and had to put this line in my GLOBAL_prefs.txt;

preferredWebBrowser=C\:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe

and no, the extra backslashes in there are not a typo.
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