Bug - Fixed Mafia unsure of Jawmaster 2000TM as Gila familiar equipment


Active member
My Mutant Gila Monster just got a shiny new Jawmaster 2000[sup]TM[/sup], but mafia's modifier maximizer keeps trying to remove it since it doesn't know its the right familiar for it. It appears to show it properly in familiars.txt, but it's greyed out in the gear changer tab. Validated that KoL itself lets me use it... anything I need to do to help troubleshoot this?

A quote showing this clearly:
> mymax

Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
4 combinations checked, best score 986.75
Taking off Jawmaster 2000™...
Equipment changed.

> equip jawmaster

Your Mutant Gila Monster can't wear a Jawmaster 2000™
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New member
Pet Cheezling cannot equip jalapeño slices

Using the latest daily build, KoLmafia 15.4 r11384 on both Windows and Linux, I am unable to equip the jalapeño slices. I'm assuming it's an issue with the ñ not being recognized properly, in which case it may also affect the pet rock disguises and the Jawmaster 2000™ which use ™ and ".

In the relay browser I can equip the slices manually without any problems, but here's the GCLI output from when I try within Mafia:

> equip slices
Your Pet Cheezling can't wear a jalapeño slices


Staff member
Agreed. Merged.

I'll try these both when I hit aftercore. Considering I am Boris, at the moment, there is nothing I can do before then. :)


AH! Of course. I haven't even thought about how to properly game the current PvP system beyond getting my scores for all categories above 0 and shrugging my buffs. As long as I win two-thirds of my matches I'm reasonably happy with my acquisition of swagger.