Bug - Won't Fix mafia thinks that dying as a vampyre does not cost a turn


Every time I die as a vampyre mafia thinks combat did not cost a turn. even though it does

[59] The Haunted Billiards Room
Encounter: chalkdust wraith
Round 0:     taltamir_no_mrstore wins initiative!
[COLOR=black][INFO] -     auto_combatHandler: 0[/COLOR]
Round 1: taltamir_no_mrstore attacks!
Round     2: chalkdust wraith takes 1 damage.
Round 2: You lose 16 hit points
Round     2: taltamir_no_mrstore casts DARK FEAST!
Round 3: chalkdust wraith     takes 1 damage.
Round 3: You gain 15 hit points
Round 3:     taltamir_no_mrstore attacks!
Round 4: chalkdust wraith takes 1 damage.
Round     4: You lose 16 hit points
Round 4: taltamir_no_mrstore attacks!
Round     5: chalkdust wraith takes 1 damage.
Round 5: You lose 17 hit points
[B]This combat did not cost a turn[/B]

Encounter: Torpor
They may have implemented losing a fight in vampyre as being a free turn because Torpor is what actually consumes the turn.
I’d be curious to see a debug log of the fight, the subsequent call to charpane or api, Torpor, and charpane or api after you leave Torpor.

I suspect that Turncount does not increment going into Torpor, but increments when you leave.

In which case the ”bug” is not logging Torpor with a [XXX] turn counter.
Here is a debug

View attachment DEBUG_20200401.txt

for this CLI log
[203] The Haunted Billiards Room
Encounter: chalkdust wraith
Round 0: taltamir_no_mrstore wins initiative!
Round 1: taltamir_no_mrstore     attacks!
Round 2: chalkdust wraith takes 1 damage.
Round 2: You lose     17 hit points
Round 2: taltamir_no_mrstore attacks!
Round 3:     chalkdust wraith takes 1 damage.
Round 3: You lose 18 hit points
This combat did not cost a turn
Encounter: Torpor
var turnsplayed = 39273;var turnsthisrun = 202

Your mortal form has been defeated.<!--FREEFREEFREE-->
<a href="choice.php" id="againlink">Enter a regenerative torpor</a>

var turnsplayed = 39274;var turnsthisrun = 203

Encounter: Torpor

You lie back in your coffin and sink into a deep torpor. Your body slowly heals itself...

var turnsplayed = 39274;var turnsthisrun = 203
You fought and lost.
KoL told us it was a free fight.
The very next charpane shows the turn counter going up.
It has already been incremented - before you enter Torpor.
It stays at that value while you are in Torpor.
You leave Torpor
The turn counter does not increment again.

So, yeah - KoL lied to us about it being a free turn.
We don't get out of synch; we'll increment the turn counter on the next charpane.php or api.php call.

So, too bad abut the confusing log line, but that's what KoL told us.
Since it doesn't have any operational effect, not going to put in a kludge to work around the KoL bug.