Bug - Fixed Mafia thinks enchanted bean has not been planted after plains update


I am trying to auto-adventure after the fires died, but mafia thinks I didn't plant the enchanted bean to adventure in the airship.
I am trying to auto-adventure after the fires died, but mafia thinks I didn't plant the enchanted bean to adventure in the airship.

The nearby plains map has changed since the fires died, the beanstalk is in a different spot. I can't test this out because I've already finished the Giant Trash Quest, but perhaps the coffee grounds pile has changed a bit. Can you access the beanstalk from the relay browser?
"plains.php" appears to have been changed to "place.php?whichplace=plains", so there will need to be a patch to fix this.

Due to this change "plains.php?place=grounds" and "plains.php?action=lutergrave" have probably both been affected.

I don't have any characters with cofee beans on the map, so I can't patch it yet. I'll see if my boriscore character has done the luter quest...
Mafia looks for "beanstalk.php", which is still on the page. I can auto-adventure in the Fantasy Airship without any problem.

Could you give more details, and some CLI output?

EDIT: oh, nice catch Catch-22. (hur hur). I visited the plains manually, so that set the "beanstalk armed" flag.

EDIT2: nope, I can still auto-adventure even without visiting the plains manually first.
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Unfortunately I already bypassed it by purchasing another enchanted bean. I suspect it won't affect people after this ascension, but I suppose we'll find out in a few days now that people are gonna ascend again.
Yeah, I just checked on my boris character. The new lutergrave is here: place.php?whichplace=plains&action=lutersgrave, so perhaps the new mound location is place.php?whichplace=plains&place=grounds which sounds silly, but that's my best guess.

Some more trivia, Clancy himself doesn't know where the Luter's Grave is yet. He tries to take you to plains.php?action=lutergrave which gets redirected to place.php?whichplace=plains and from there you can see the Luter's Grave on the main map and the link is place.php?whichplace=plains&action=lutersgrave.
I have a patch for this, just waiting on confirmation for the correct location of the coffee grounds. Alternatively we could patch KoL to use the bean instead of visiting the correct URL.
Here's what I have so far, with //FIXME tagged on the coffee ground locations. This patch should fix things for boriscore at least.

I'm posting the patch as-is because I may not be able to work on this any more today. If someone can find out the coffee ground URL, you should just need to modify the two //FIXME lines in the patch.


I think changing the Luter URL needs to be done, but I'm not sure the other changes would do anything to fix rlbond86's problem (if there really was one in the first place).
I think changing the Luter URL needs to be done, but I'm not sure the other changes would do anything to fix rlbond86's problem (if there really was one in the first place).

I'm not sure if it was what caused rlbond86's problem either, but because of the way plains.php redirects, it's most likely going to be a problem. After rollover in the next few hours, I should hopefully be able to make it to the garbage quest and finalize the patch. I've done a bit of poking around the place, quite a few occurrences of plains.php still occur in KoL, so some of the parsing of "plains.php" text in HTML pages still needs to be done.
It appears that Mafia's automatic use of the bean is indeed broken. BCCascend makes use of Mafia's autoplanting to adventure above the beanstalk (normally setting Mafia to go to the airship plants a bean if it's not already planted). This does no longer work.
The new URL for the coffee grounds is:
11255 should fix everything.

I didn't update RequestEditorKit.maps because the one place where it's used ignores any URL with ? in it anyway, so it needs more changes anyway. Also, attachSafetyText() isn't doing anything for me as far as I can tell, and that's the only use for that array.

The crypt still links to plains.php, so changing it there would have been wrong.
11255 should fix everything.

I didn't update RequestEditorKit.maps because the one place where it's used ignores any URL with ? in it anyway, so it needs more changes anyway. Also, attachSafetyText() isn't doing anything for me as far as I can tell, and that's the only use for that array.

The crypt still links to plains.php, so changing it there would have been wrong.

Good work, been too busy to to play lately. Thing with the cyrpt linking to plains.php, in my pending patch I changed it to index on "</tr></table><p><center><A href=pla" which would mean it work for both "plains.php" and "places.php" if they change it later on, but it's not broken at the moment I guess.
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