Updating bale-ocd...
A https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/ocd/code/dependencies.txt
U https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/ocd/code/scripts/OCD%20Inventory%20Control.ash
U https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/ocd/code/data/OCDefault.txt
U https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bale/ocd/code/relay/relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash
At revision 6
Pushing local updates...
relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash => G:\software\Kol\relay\relay_OCD_dB_Manager.ash
[B]NOTE: no local file named OCDefault.txt in your namespace; no updates performed for this file.[/B]
OCD Inventory Control.ash => G:\software\Kol\scripts\OCD Inventory Control.ash
That's my core question. The file is sitting in the \data directory so why wasn't it found?
C:\Program Files (x86)\KoLmafia>dir ocdefault* /s/a
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 9AD9-D027
Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\KoLmafia\data
06/10/2013 10:13 PM 88,000 OCDefault.txt
1 File(s) 88,000 bytes
Directory of C:\Program Files (x86)\KoLmafia\svn\bale-ocd\data
06/17/2013 08:44 AM 88,323 OCDefault.txt
1 File(s) 88,323 bytes
Total Files Listed:
2 File(s) 176,323 bytes
0 Dir(s) 69,859,180,544 bytes free
Same issue.
What's with all the "using data override" lines?> svn update
Updating all SVN projects...
bale-counterchecker is at HEAD (r1)
bale-ocd is at HEAD (r7)
bale-relay-manor_unlockInfo is at HEAD (r6)
batbrain is at HEAD (r3)
slimetube is at HEAD (r2)
winterbay-mafia-autobasement is at HEAD (r20)
winterbay-mafia-wham is at HEAD (r12)
zlib is at HEAD (r5)
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
Using data override: data/mallprices.txt
Requests complete.
private static final BufferedReader getReader( final BufferedReader reader )
String lastMessage = DataUtilities.getLastMessage();
if ( lastMessage != null )
RequestLogger.printLine( lastMessage );
return reader;
svn: E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy at
'C:\Privat\Dropbox\Mafia\svn\winterbay-mafia-autobasement' (format '31').
A user manually tweaks his charpane.ash script. We can iterate through the working copies, see there's a charpane.ash in there, and see that it differs from our local copy. Okay, overwrite the working copy with the local copy.
I guess this isn't the current behavior? CHIT just updated itself via SVN and I lost all of the changes that I'd made to the version in my /relay folder.
I've been thinking about the other half of it - people who manually edit their local copy - and I don't know if there's a solution to that problem. Thought experiment:
I don't actually see a way to solve this, short of installing versioned metadata on local copy items. That's a really complicated solution for a really marginal problem.
It is the current behavior, but you did it wrong. You need the make your changes to the version in /svn/mafiachit/relay. Details HERE.
So no, your changes in the local copy are not guaranteed to survive some/any SVN operations. The one in the working copy - i.e. the one in svn/ - will survive, as Bale linked you to.